Scott Santens, "Breaking Down Without a Spare – America’s lopsided welfare system of counterproductive public assistance"

In this article, Scott Santens describes our current welfare system across the entire socioeconomic spectrum, and stresses the need for an improved safety net that exists as a basic income floor everyone can count on and no one can fall beneath.

Scott Santens, “Breaking Down Without a Spare – America’s lopsided welfare system of counterproductive public assistance“, Medium, 13 October 2014.

Breaking down without a spare -Photo by Jeremy Brooks — Flickr, via

Breaking down without a spare -Photo by Jeremy Brooks — Flickr, via

Beliefs about Poverty

Beliefs about Poverty

Beliefs about Poverty

The author contrasts the thoroughness of the statistical knowledge of poverty with the inadequacy of the current attempted solutions, and proposes the “Living Income Guaranteed” as the optimal solution.

Living Income Now, “Beliefs about Poverty”, Living Income Now, 2014 September 25