Dutch Elections 2012 – No entrance to Basic Income

The general elections of September 12, 2012 in the Netherlands were characterized by many debates in the media: radio, television, magazines and newspapers. The elections resulted in 21,176 votes for an Unconditional Basic Income (UBI – OBI in Dutch) – on parties that didn’t get any seats in parliament.

Reporting in the election paid little attention to UBI as an issue. Stories and interviews focused on the party leaders of the major parties and some of the smaller parties in the parliament. A few new parties that seek more substantial innovations, such as direct democracy, digital civil rights and an unconditional basic income were sparsely covered. Of course, every political party did the free 6 x 3 minutes airtime on public broadcasting, but that was it. The polls taken in advance of the elections only concerned the established parties. The newcomers received no attention.

Ryckaert, Pierre-Yves (2012), Revenu de base… utopie ou nécessité?

This opinion piece is published on the website of the French-speaking RTBF, the Belgian Public Broadcast. Its author, Pierre-Yves Ryckaert, is one of the founders of the Belgian basic income network, which was recently recognized by BIEN (September 2012).  In this piece, Ryckaert briefly summarizes some of the core arguments in favour of a basic income.

See: https://www.rtbf.be/info/opinions/detail_revenu-de-base-utopie-ou-necessite?id=7845325

Belgium’s basic income network: https://basicincome.be/

BIEN offically recognizes three new affiliate networks

During its general assembly of September 16th, 2012, the Basic Income Earth Network has officially recognized three new affiliate networks. BIEN now has no less than 20 affiliates. The three new BIEN national networks are all located in Europe:

Belgium: https://basicincome.be/ (available in Dutch, French, German, and English)

Finland: https://perustulo.org/

Slovenia: contact address is valerija_korosec@yahoo.com (see also the programme of a conference to be organized in Ljubljana on October 11-12, 2012: https://www.inovum.si/ubi/en)

The BIEN General assembly was held within the framework of BIEN’s 14th international conference in Munich, Germany.

Leuven (BE), 24 September 2012: Lunch seminar on Brazilian pilot project ReCivitas

The HIVA (Research Institute for Work and Society) at Leuven University (Belgium) organizes a lunch seminar with Bruna Augusta Pereira & Marcus Bracaglione dos Santos, founders of the basic income pilot project ReCivitas.

Date: 24 september 2012, 12:00 to 13:00
Location: Conferentiezaal HIVA (Parkstraat 47, 3000 Leuven)
Registration: please send an email to stan.despiegelaere@kuleuven.be

ReCivitas website: https://www.recivitas.org/

BLASCHKE, Ronald (2012), From the Idea of a basic income to the political movement in Europe

This publication by Ronald Blaschke is issued by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, tbe Berlin-based research centre of the left-wing party Die Linke. It includes the following sections:

  • Short history of the idea of a basic income in Europe and the US
  • The idea of a basic income becomes the political call of a wide, but politically differently coined movement in Germany
  • The European Basic Income Movement
  • Market liberal and emancipatory approaches to reasoning for and design of a basic income
  • The European Basic Income Movement – Questions

Full references: BLASCHKE, Ronald (2012), From the Idea of a basic income to the political movement in Europe, RLS papers, August 2012

For the PDF, see: