Launch of new report titled “The Economics of Implementing Basic Income in South Africa”

Launch of new report titled “The Economics of Implementing Basic Income in South Africa”

“Exciting news! The Social Policy Initiative (SPI) is thrilled to share a groundbreaking new report titled “The Economics of Implementing Basic Income in South Africa.” This research, authored by renowned financial journalist Duma Gqubule, explores the potential impact of a universal basic income (UBI) on South Africa’s economy.

Join the discussion:

Launch event: 14th February 2024, between 5:30PM and 7:00PM at the Fountains Hotel, Cape Town.

Presentation: Author Duma Gqubule will personally present the research, followed by responses from Brenda Sibeko, DDG of Social Development, and Aliya Chikte of AIDC.

RSVP: Secure your spot by RSVPing to

This research, made possible by ACTSA.”

New Edition Published: The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income

New Edition Published: The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income

Edited by Malcolm Torry, this second edition:

  • Contains new chapters on peacebuilding, public health, pilot projects, and the history of basic income
  • Presents a newly updated discussion of the important aspects of the Basic Income debate
  • Assesses the effects of Basic Income schemes in five key areas

Read more about the book and/or purchase it by clicking here.

New Book by Malcom Torry: Unconditional

New Book by Malcom Torry: Unconditional

“Can anything ever be truly unconditional? Can public services such as healthcare or education be unconditional? And can an income ever be unconditional? This incisive book responds to these questions with a qualified ‘yes,’ and considers whether a social policy regime based on unconditionality might ever replace neoliberalism.”

Read more about the book and/or purchase it by clicking here.

How government plans to pay for a Basic Income Grant in South Africa

How government plans to pay for a Basic Income Grant in South Africa

“President Cyril Ramaphosa is looking to try make the shift to a Basic Income Grant a reality following renewed calls in this year’s ANC’s January 8th statement – but questions have arisen as to how the country is going to fund it.

“Millions of working age adults in our country remain unemployed without any form of support and little prospect of gaining employment until economic growth picks up,” said Ramaphosa at the opening address of the the ANC’s 26-29 January 2024 national executive committee (NEC) lekgotla.”

To read the full article, click here.



In partnership with UpTogether, CHV launched a direct cash pilot in 2021, selecting fifty families via lottery from the CHV community to receive an unconditional $583 per month. With this two-year pilot program, Camp Harbor View joined a burgeoning national guaranteed income movement.

Pilot programs and studies in more than 100 cities nationally have shown that programs that offer a steady source of income for low-income or historically marginalized communities, with minimal strings attached, led to major leaps in wellbeing and opportunity.

A few highlights and impact stories from this pilot click here.

To read the report, click here.