Results from the Stockton experiment

Results from the Stockton experiment

The New Yorker has reported on the results of the experiment in Stockton, where five hundred individuals randomly selected from the city’s most deprived districts have been receiving US$100 per month unconditionally.

… For example, during the pandemic, the percentage of money that participants spent on food, consistently the largest category, reached nearly twenty-five per cent over the monthly average, while the amount spent on recreation dropped to less than two per cent.

Participants have also put the money toward rent, car payments, and paying off debt, as well as one-off expenses for themselves or their children: dental surgery, a prom dress, football camp, and shoes. They’ve also been able to cut back on working second and third jobs; one participant, a forty-eight-year-old mother of two who works full time at Tesla, was able to stop working as a delivery driver for DoorDash. Alcohol and tobacco has accounted for less than one per cent of spending per month. …

(To read previous articles on the experiment, click here)

A new video from the Green European Foundation

A new video from the Green European Foundation

On the 13th July the Green European Foundation published a video, Universal Basic Income for Europe: A recipe for resilience.

Can Universal Basic Income be a possible remedy to the COVID-19 crisis? Watch this video to find out! The video was produced by the Green European Foundation for the project Change of Mindset – Civil Society dialogue around UBI, Social Justice and Climate impact:…

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A new video from Massive Attack

A new video from Massive Attack

On the 10th July 2020 Massive Attack published a video featuring Young Fathers (Massive Attack’s ‘younger brother’), Algiers, and Saul Williams, and featuring Guy Standing talking about Basic Income. The music is taken from the Eutopia EP and is written and produced by Robert Del Naja and Euan Dickinson.

To watch the video, click here.

A version of the video in Spanish can be found here.

An article on Basic Income funded by sovereign money

An article on Basic Income funded by sovereign money

Geoff Crocker has published an article in the Real-world economic review: Inequality and the case for UBI funded by sovereign money

The current economic system is generating increasing inter-personal inequality in income and wealth. This is well documented by several observers, including others in this collection of essays, such as James Galbraith, and not least Thomas Piketty in his two books and on-line database … . I therefore don’t intend to rehearse the data analysis of inequality in this brief paper, but to take it as a working assumption. My aim rather is to locate causes of inequality, and to consider whether universal basic income (UBI) can claim to alleviate inequality … . The main focus for evidence is the UK, but the issues generalise. …

The UK: A Summer discussion series

The UK: A Summer discussion series

The Basic Income Conversation is launching a Summer Discussion Series on Basic Income. It’s a 3 part series that explores the Future of Work, Pilots, and Monetary Financing – some of the most talked about subjects when it comes to UBI.

The first event is on Wednesday 15th July, 6.30pm on Basic Income & the Future of Work. It’s hosted by Prof Nick Pearce (IPR at University of Bath) who’s joined by author Daniel Susskind and Director of Future of Work Anna Thoma

The second will be on Monday 27th July, 6.30 p.m. on Basic Income Pilots: Learning from Finland and ScotlandMichael Pugh, the Director of the Basic Income Conversation, will be joined by Olli Kangas (University of Turku, Finland) and Paul Vaughan (Fife Council)

The third event will be on Money on Monday 10th August, 6.30pm on Paying for Basic Income: Monetary Financing and Sovereign with Frances Coppola, Geoff Crocker, and Emma Dawnay.

The series is a preparation for launching a Research Network in the Autumn which aims to bring together researchers and academics working on UBI.

Further information from Michael Pugh, Director, Basic Income Conversation