Who owns the sea? For centuries, this would have been a strange question. But in the past half century, the sea has been subject to the greatest capitalist enclosure in history. Although the sea covers 71% of the world’s surface and hosts two-thirds of all species, we have a Green politics, but not a Blue. The results have been ecologically and economically catastrophic. Guy Standing presented a progressive strategy that would revive the blue commons, reverse environmental decay and reduce inequalities while giving commoners basic economic security. It hinges on the creation of a Blue Commons Capital Fund, a democratic variant of a sovereign wealth fund. Standing urges all progressives, broadly defined, to remember that, ever since Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest of 1217, transformational politics has been about recovering, defending, and enhancing the commons.

The webinar, hosted by the University of Maine, took place Thursday April 13, 2023 12:30-1:45 p.m. EDT. For the recording link click here.

Etats Unis d’Amérique : 150 économistes signent une lettre ouverte et plaident pour le paiement de revenus d’urgence

Etats Unis d’Amérique : 150 économistes signent une lettre ouverte et plaident pour le paiement de revenus d’urgence

Par Michael Howard |  le 11 Juillet 2020 | 

Traduction par Christine Cayré

150 économistes américains ont signé une lettre ouverte qui revendique entre autres les points suivants  :

  • Le versement de revenus directs est un outil essentiel pour stimuler la sécurité économique, inciter les consommateurs à dépenser, accélérer la reprise et promouvoir la réassurance à tous niveaux, politiques et économiques, pour aussi longtemps que cela sera nécessaire.
  • La souffrance économique s’est largement répandue et la nécessité d’une action forte et immédiate s’impose clairement
  • Des paiements de relance directs réguliers et durables stimuleront les dépenses de consommation et la reprise économique tout en coupant court à la récession.
  • Ces stabilisateurs automatiques apporteront un soulagement aussi longtemps que nécessaire. Ils favoriseront une reprise solide et montreront l’efficacité gouvernementale.
  • Etant données les inconnues qui persistent, il est essentiel de promulguer des politiques qui aideront à promouvoir une reprise robuste, durable et racialement équitable et qui resteront en place jusqu’à ce que les Américains se remettent sur pied…

Pour en savoir plus voir l’article de Michael Howard sur le site de USBIG

 A propos de Michael Howard

Michael W. Howard est professeur de Philosophie à l’Université de Maine, Etats Unis. Il coordonne le Réseau pour le Revenu de Base Garanti aux Etats Unis, il est co-éditeur des Etudes sur le Revenu de Base et co-éditeur, avec Karl Wilderquist de deux ouvrages sur le Fond Permanant de Dividendes en Alaska.

On peut lire l’article en anglais ici.

Etats Unis d’Amérique : 150 économistes signent une lettre ouverte et plaident pour le paiement de revenus d’urgence

USA: Open letter signed by 150 economists

There is a translation of this article into French

150 economists in the United States have signed an open letter that asks for

  • “Direct cash payments are an essential tool that will boost economic security, drive consumer spending, hasten the recovery, and promote certainty at all levels of government and the economy – for as long as necessary….
  • The economic pain is widespread and the need for immediate, bold action is clear….
  • Regular, lasting direct stimulus payments will boost consumer spending, driving the economic recovery and shortening the recession….
  • Automatic stabilizers ensure relief for as long as it is needed, promoting a strong recovery and efficient government.
  • With many unknowns, it is critical to enact policies that will help promote a robust, sustained, racially equitable recovery and will stay in place until Americans are back on their feet….” 

For further details, see Michael Howard’s article on the USBIG website.

Etats Unis d’Amérique : 150 économistes signent une lettre ouverte et plaident pour le paiement de revenus d’urgence

Basic Income activism in the United States

Michael Howard, Co-ordinator of USBIG, has written an article about increasing Basic Income activism in the United States.

Two years ago, if one were to speak of a basic income movement, one might be accused of hyperbole. USBIG was able to muster support for annual congresses, in cooperation with the Basic Income Canada Network, and disseminate information and analysis through the website and newsflash. … Then came the Yang campaign, putting UBI on the national agenda. …

To read the article, click here.

Etats Unis d’Amérique : 150 économistes signent une lettre ouverte et plaident pour le paiement de revenus d’urgence

Coordinated activity in the United States

This weekend, April 24-26, the US Congress will be debating and probably voting on the CARES 2 Act, the next phase in the US government’s response to the health and financial crisis brought on by the coronavirus. A coalition has been formed, under the leadership of the Income Movement, and including USBIG, Humanity Forward, the Fund for Humanity, the Economic Security Project, the Universal Income Project, the Humanity First Movement, and others, to appeal to Congress to include an emergency Basic Income in this legislation.

If you would like further details on this story, then click here for an article by Michael Howard.








