by Jenna van Draanen | Jul 14, 2015 | News

Swiss Parliament
After taking a vote, the Swiss Parliamentary Committee on Social Affairs proposes to its board the recommendation that people and policy makers reject the popular initiative for an unconditional basic income as they believe that the acceptance of this initiative could challenge existing social security systems and be difficult on the Swiss economy.
Next, the issue will come before the National Council and then the Council of States, with both issuing a recommendation. A public referendum will be held in fall 2016.
For more information about the vote and the committee’s recommendation, see here:
Christian Muller & Daniel Straub. “Alert” Volksinitiative für ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen. May 29, 2015.
Secretariat of the Commissions for Social Security and Health. “Media Release”. The Federal Assembly. May 29, 2015
by Jenna van Draanen | Jun 17, 2015 | News
Former Canadian Senator Hugh Segal has been a long-time advocate for basic income in Canada. In a recent interview, Segal notes that the nature of work is changing and he comments on the willingness to protect companies from economic crisis but not to protect individual people. Segal says that a basic income guarantee should not be about political affiliations and says, ““Whether left or right, this idea is attractive for all. Just give the money to the people living in poverty who will know what to do with it.”
For more about Hugh Segal’s endorsement of basic income see:
Roderick Benns, “Time to start treating our own citizens as well as we do corporations: Hugh Segal.” Leaders and Legacies. May 26, 2015.
by Jenna van Draanen | Jun 16, 2015 | News

SUMMARY: This article discusses the increasingly frequent automation concerns that have been in the media recently and technology’s impact on human employment.
Scott Santens, “Yes, it really is different this time and humans need not apply”, January 15, 2015.
by Jenna van Draanen | Jun 15, 2015 | News

Founding members of the National Campaign for the RBI.
With all of the recent activity in Switzerland on basic income and the upcoming vote on the national basic income initiative, a national body is needed to coordinate communication and to educate Swiss citizens on Basic Income. This article describes the group that was launched to meet this need, the National Campaign for Unconditional Basic Income.
Ralph Kundig, “La campagne nationale pour le revenu de base inconditionnel est lancée” [ A National Campaign for Basic Income is Launched] . Basic Income Earth Network Switzerland. May 24, 2015
by Jenna van Draanen | Jun 14, 2015 | News

BI News has already confirmed that Naheed Nenshi, the mayor of Canadian city Calgary, supports basic income and has vowed to take leadership on it. Newly released articles suggest that there is support for basic income from other parts of the province of Alberta including from the Vibrant Communities Calgary agency and the Momentum agency where the current finance minister of the province was formerly employed. Sources have speculated that Alberta’s Finance Minister, Joe Ceci, might be open to exploring a negative income tax for the province.
See our previous post on Naheed Nenshi’s support for basic income here
For other articles on Nenshi’s commitment to basic income and the change he is driving in Alberta see here. The article connecting Nenshi and Ceci can be seen here.