Kristine Lofgren, “Switzerland Might Pay All Citizens a 2,500 Franc Basic Income Every Month”


SUMMARY: This article, although dated, discusses a variety of options that the Swiss government considered last year to create a fair economy. One proposed method would provide a guaranteed 2,500 franc income to all citizens, regardless of whether or not they are employed. The other was a minimum wage referendum.

Kristine Lofgren, “Switzerland Might Pay All Citizens a 2,500 Franc Basic Income Every MonthInhabit. May 16, 2014

Roderick Benns, “ Ottawa man says a basic income guarantee would have changed the trajectory of his life”


John Dunn

John Dunn

AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT: From the time he was a toddler, John Dunn was bounced around 13 times from one Ontario foster home to the next until he turned 18. He was originally taken into care due to complications from his mother’s severe — and often suicidal — bi-polar disorder and alcoholism, and was separated from his three siblings in the process.


Roderick Benns, “Ottawa man says a basic income guarantee would have changed the trajectory of his lifeLeaders and Legacies. June 26, 2015.


Roderick Benns, “Basic income guarantee and healthy minimum wage go hand in hand, says retired professor”


Toni Pickard

Toni Pickard

AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT: Roderick Benns recently interviewed Toni Pickard about basic income policy. Pickard was a law professor at Queen’s University before she retired and is now the co-founder of the Kingston Action Group for a Basic Income Guarantee.


Roderick Benns, “Basic income guarantee and healthy minimum wage go hand in hand, says retired professorLeaders and Legacies. July 3, 2015.

Drew Nelles, “Review: Four new books, including Joseph Stiglitz’s The Great Divide, look at economic inequality”

Globe and MailSUMMARY: This news outlet reviews four books about income inequality, one of which (Atkinson’s Inequality: What Is To Be Done?) proposes basic income as a solution for the growing inequality.


Drew Nelles, “Review: Four new books, including Joseph Stiglitz’s The Great Divide, look at economic inequalityThe Globe and Mail. May 29, 2015.

Tom Streithorst, “The Economics of Mad Max and Star Trek”

This article is an essay about three possible future scenarios: one of technological wonderment, another of resource scarcity and anarchy, and finally a third middle way where humans can have subsistence while only needing to work a few hours per day and can spend the rest of their time enjoying the bounty of life. The essay argues this is only possible with a basic income. The author says, “If jobs keep disappearing, and we do not institute a basic income guarantee, then we may have the cruellest irony imaginable: a marketplace of unlimited supply without consumers capable of shopping.”


Tom Streithorst, “The Economics of Mad Max and Star Trek”

Tom Streithorst, “The Economics of Mad Max and Star Trek”

Tom Streithorst, “The Economics of Mad Max and Star Trek”. Los Angeles Review of Books. June 21, 2015.