by Dejan Tachevski | Jan 11, 2016 | News
Barb Jacobson and David Jenkins of Basic Income UK spoke at a meeting of the London Futurists at Birkbeck College in February 2015. The speakers present the case for a universal basic income as a response to societal changes such as increasing automation and technological unemployment, and answer questions about the pros and cons of a UBI.
From the event description, “Accelerating technological unemployment, with increasing numbers of people being displaced from the workforce by automation, is likely to cause growing social disruption and increased social inequality and alienation. These developments strengthen the case for a new social contract, with appropriate social, educational, and economic support for those who are left with no viable option of ‘earning a living’ due to unprecedented technological change.”
A video recording of the event is available on YouTube:
by Dejan Tachevski | Jan 5, 2016 | News
![Credits to Sandrine Landrix](
Credits to Sandrine Landrix
From Eric Kirschbaum, writing in the Los Angeles Times (27th December 2015) comes news of a privately operated project held in Germany, financed by crowdfunding, that has rejuvenated Basic Income discussions. This small-scale experiment is called “Mein Grundeinkommen” (My Basic Income). Up to now 26 people have been paid a $1,100 per month stipend, with no strings attached.
Recipients are chosen randomly through a lottery, which is streamed live online. They are selected from a pool of more than 66,000 applicants, with draws being held whenever enough donations are collected. 31,449 people have made donations thus far.
The experiment is supplying valuable information about how people behave when they have some level of financial security, and has caught the attention of German politicians such as Katja Kipping, co-leader of the hard left party Die Linke, and long-time advocate for a universal basic income. Die Linke, according to Kirschbaum, “discussed the issue intensively at its last congress in Bielefeld, although many party members were sceptical”.
Erik Kirschbaum, “If you were handed $1,100 a month, would you amount to anything?” , Los Angeles Times, 27 December, 2015
by Dejan Tachevski | Jan 4, 2016 | News
The Basic Income library is getting another book for its shelves: Mark Walker, Associate Professor of Philosophy at New Mexico State University has written a new book, Free Money for All, in which he proposes a Basic Income Guarantee of $10,000 for all adult US citizens.
According to the publisher’s description, Walker argues that “BIG promotes three positive outcomes — social stability, gross national happiness, and gross national freedom — unlike alternate proposals such as socialism, laissez-faire capitalism, and the traditional welfare state.”
For more info on the book click on the following links:
by Dejan Tachevski | Jan 3, 2016 | News
Basic income is knocking on the door in Ireland too. Fianna Fáil, an Irish republican party, will pledge to introduce a basic income in their new election manifesto, as reported by John Downing in the Irish Independent:
“Fianna Fáil will promise every citizen of the country – from the richest to the poorest – a minimum welfare income in excess of current basic welfare rates which average €188 per week.”
They plan to establish “an expert group to report within six months on matters like how much the minimum payment would be and what kind of taxation changes would be needed to fund it.” Their main argument for the inclusion of the basic income pledge is that it would be “major protection against poverty in an era where few will be guaranteed work throughout their lives.”
Additionally, Fianna Fáil “will also argue that many sections of the population already receive considerable welfare payments, such as pensions or child benefit, which would be factored into the minimum income – making the final cost not vastly greater than current welfare spending.
For the full article, click here.
Credit picture: CC Lee Jordan
by Dejan Tachevski | Jan 2, 2016 | News
Basic Income is an idea that has been gaining popularity amongst Canadians. The Green Party has made basic income one of the most important planks of their platform, tying it to their anti-poverty efforts and elder care strategy.
![elizabeth may green party](
Dubbing their “Guaranteed Livable Income” (GLI), the Greens would use “a single universal, unconditional cash benefit delivered through the tax system” to replace the current complex system of federal and provincial support.
In a recent article, Huffington Post Canada sat down with party leader Elizabeth May to discuss why providing a basic income to all Canadians would pay off for Canada. The interview provides valuable information about the reasons why she and other Greens believe that the “Guaranteed Livable Income” is the perfect anti-poverty measure.
For more information, read the whole article here: