SYDNEY, Australia: Basic Innovation Guarantee Meetup

A Sydney meetup group has formed to discuss the connection between basic income and innovation in Australia. The basic innovation guarantee meetup will take place on January 21st, 2016. The group’s meetup page summarizes their first event in the following text:

Credit to: Transhumanism Australia

Credit to: Transhumanism Australia

“Now that Innovation is the focal point of Australian Politics, it is time to explore how a Guaranteed Basic Income might affect innovation. Shane Greenup will give a short presentation covering the basics of Basic Income, then an exploration of why a Basic Income might ignite an innovation explosion.”

During the meetup, Joffre Balce will give a short presentation titled “The Citizen’s Dividend: the Economic Equalizer.”

Draft Schedule:

6:30-7:00pm: Arrival, drinks and mingling.
7:00-7:30pm: Basic Income and an Innovation Nation – Shane Greenup
7:30-8:00pm: The Citizen’s Dividend: the Economic Equalizer – Joffre Balce
8:00-8:30pm: Panel discussion and Q&A.
8:30-10:00pm: Drinks and mingling.

For more information on the event details, see: