Jude Thomas, “Vanishing Scarcity. Basic Income as a Means to Preserve Value in the Arts”


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In this paper Jude Thomas, a US musician, discusses how within the last two decades « … growth and improvement of both recording technology and Internet access have brought about fundamental changes in how people create and consume arts ». The story of labor in the arts, the Digital Revolution, and Modern Patronage tell of the need for UBI in order to combat the Crisis of Independent Artists and make sure that those going into the arts are protected from extreme poverty. As the author writes, « what UBI changes is who makes decisions about which works of art get to exist, and which artists are worthy of creating art ».

For the full text see :


For a full video presentation over that theme by Jude Thomas, see:



Patrick Wehner, “Copyright in a digital crisis: Basic Income as the outcome?”

In this paper Patrick Wehner goes over the « current state of copyright in internet, and the precarious living conditions of many artists.» He argues that «… UBI can offer an answer to the new difficult and unstable situations in culture ».
First the article discusses critical issues about « the use of copyright and its value having changed through online sharing, as now material is being shared without the subsequent profits being shared with the artist ». The author then concludes that : « UBI will not take the place of copyright. It would be a solution to free art from the rules of the marketplace and to favour creativity on basis of allowing a more secure life for the artist ».

This paper was published in relation with events organised by WIKIMEDIA .
See the full text at:

Patrick Wehner : « Urheberrecht in der digitalen Krise : Grundeinkommen als Ausweg ? » [Copyright in digital crisis : Basic Income as outcome?]. Grundeinkommen Deutschland. April 15, 2015.
For further information about Wikimedia :

VIDEO -Camilla Panhard, “Do we need to pay people when they do nothing?”

ARTE TV 28 Minutes obtained from https://www.arte.tv/guide/fr/060828-109-A/28-minutes

ARTE TV 28 Minutes obtained from https://www.arte.tv/guide/fr/060828-109-A/28-minutes


With the statement, « … what will it be like when 80% of the population is unemployed and 20% are working, those 2 groups separated by a guarded wall… », Camilla Panhard, introduces a debate between Elie Cohen, Economist, Chief CNRS (F) ; Gaspard Koenig, Philosopher, former Staff member of Christine Lagarde and BERD; and Baptiste Mylondo, Economist at « Alternatives Economiques ». ARTE TV is also currently airing a series about a fictional futuristic world with mass automation that introduces the concept of basic income in this world.

The debate can be seen here:

Camilla Panhard, “Do we need to pay people when they do nothing?” ARTE TV, February 11, 2016.


For other stories related to this topic, see the following links:





ITALY: Claudio Del Frate, “Welcome to the South: in Basilicata, with oil “minimum income” guaranteed” [Benvenuti al Sud: in Basilicata, con il petrolio “reddito minimo” garantito]


Esplora il significato del termine: 17 dicembre 2015 from https://www.corriere.it/cronache/15_dicembre_17/benvenuti-sud-basilicata-il-petrolio-reddito-minimo-garantito-ed013540-a48d-11e5-ba98-2a1f1a68e58f.shtml

The Basilicata Region has decided to invest royalties of its oil to pay a basic income allowance to about 8,000 families without incomes, safety and dignity; mostly those who are unemployed. The drilling and the revenues from it are environmentally controversial, but regardless, Basilicata will pay 95% out of claims by the insurance companies that extract the oil. The payments are expected to total 500 euro per month for a period of one year and are expected to begin in February 2016.


To read the full article in Italian, see:
Claudio Del Frate,
Welcome to the South: in Basilicata, with oil “minimum income” guaranteed” [Benvenuti al Sud: in Basilicata, con il petrolio “reddito minimo” garantito]. Il Corriere della Sera, December 17, 2015

Italy – Cities’s décisions and votes in favour of Dignity and Minimum Income actions

Language : Italian

Italy : Minimum Income and Dignity Income.

On his website, LIBERA « Associazioni, nomi è numeri contro le mafie » presents a list of cities whose assemblies have voted délibérations wich support campaigns for the « Reddito Minimo » (Minimum Income) and « Reddito di Dignita » (Dignity Income ). Several other initiatives are also reported.

The Libera website gives access to the full deliberations and decisions texts voted in several italian cities assemblies. These texts make clear the motivations for legal and socioeconomic background and purposes of their provisions. (for example : cities of  Bologna, Caltanisetta, Fabriano, Maierato,…).

The « Global Journal » locates « Libera » inside the 100 best non profit association of its world classification, as the sole/ most important one in Italy.
