ARTE TV 28 Minutes obtained from

ARTE TV 28 Minutes obtained from


With the statement, « … what will it be like when 80% of the population is unemployed and 20% are working, those 2 groups separated by a guarded wall… », Camilla Panhard, introduces a debate between Elie Cohen, Economist, Chief CNRS (F) ; Gaspard Koenig, Philosopher, former Staff member of Christine Lagarde and BERD; and Baptiste Mylondo, Economist at « Alternatives Economiques ». ARTE TV is also currently airing a series about a fictional futuristic world with mass automation that introduces the concept of basic income in this world.

The debate can be seen here:

Camilla Panhard, “Do we need to pay people when they do nothing?” ARTE TV, February 11, 2016.


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