The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), at its general assembly in 2019, created the working group for “Clarification of Basic Income Definition”. Since then we have had online open forum including at the online venue of the BIEN congress in 2021 Glasgow and in 2022 Brisbane.
The group hereby makes an open call for contributions to the collective discussion. It expects to have one or two online sessions per month from February to June, 2024. Each online session will run around 90 – 120 minutes, starting with speaker’s presentation(s) with discussions to follow. Each session would host 1 or 2 speakers.
If you are interested in to speak, please show your interest by email both to and, by 23 February. The group might be able to accommodate later submission, but would appreciate earlier submission.
After the working group and speakers agree the date, speakers are expected to send the group a draft paper for their presentation at least a few weeks before the session.
In July, the working group will prepare making a report on the “Clarification of Basic Income Definition”. Papers presented at open forum may be included in the report.
My impression is that Basic Income has been a fascinating field for academics, constructing “experiments” on selected groups, trying to draw conclusions about whether a basic income will make people lazy or not But no answers can be found in such experiments as to how a Universal BI can work until it is introduced across a large unit of population. UBI should be the mechanism for a radical redistribution of wealth across the class structure, and a piece of justice for those rearing children and running homes. So theorising will not advance the cause of UBI any more, it has to be a political campaign…I wish I could tell you how that can be done!
I think the major task is in finding the correct value of “basic income” which is probably a dynamic number that is changed every year and depend on the location too.Just my 2 cents
There can be no “correct ” value assigned to a basic income. Setting its value is a political decision based on what is considered a fair distribution of wealth. As for where I would set it it, it would be at a level which achieved a redistribution of wealth to a very great degree and be transformative.