Eduardo Suplicy’s speech at the closing ceremony, 2024 BIEN Congress

Eduardo Suplicy’s speech at the closing ceremony, 2024 BIEN Congress

Below you will find the full text of Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy’s planned address at the closing ceremony of 2024 BIEN Congress at the University of Bath, UK, on August 31, 2024. He was conscious that he had to respect the ten-minute time limit set by the organization of the Congress for his oral exposition, but for the record he considered that it would important to provide a fuller account of the long journey toward making UBI a reality in Brazil, where the 2025 Congress will be held.

To read the full text, click here.

1st Latin American Congress for Unconditional Universal Basic Income

1st Latin American Congress for Unconditional Universal Basic Income

“Thinking about basic income in a context of crisis and transformation in Latin America” was the general theme of the congress that brought together participants from ten countries in the region and six countries from other continents. Global unrest, women’s unpaid work, transformation of income transfer programs, real forms of financing, colonialism, are some of the notable themes that add to the set of intersections elaborated on the theme of basic income, through articles, summaries, presentations and interventions distributed in thirteen panels and two thematic tables.

To see the full article in English, click here

Para ler o artigo em português clique aqui