Hannah Fearn, “Could an oil-rich independent Scotland afford to pay a citizen’s income?”

[Josh Martin]

Fearn’s article looks into what an independent Scotland could do in regards to implementing a citizen’s income.  Fearn mentions the promises of the Green Yes party who claim Scotland could pay its citizens a basic income of £15,000 per year and also discusses the possibility of implementing an Alaska Permanent Fund style dividend based on its oil reserves.

Hannah Fearn, “Could an oil-rich independent Scotland afford to pay a citizens income?The News Hub, 16 September 2014.

Photo source: The News Hub

Photo source: The News Hub

Larry Elliot, “Would a citizen’s income be better than our benefits system?”

[Josh Martin]

In this opinion piece Elliot discusses the complexity of the United Kingdom’s benefits system as well as the confusing state of the economy and labor market.  Elliot claims that one possible way to cut through the complexity and confusion is to reform the benefits system into a basic income.

Larry Elliot, “Would a citizen’s income be better than our benefits system?”, The Guardian, 10 August 2014.

Larry Elliott (Source: The Guardian)

Larry Elliott (Source: The Guardian)

UNITED KINGDOM: BIG Political Party Is Recruiting Parliamentary Candidates for 2015

[Josh Martin]

In a post on their website, the BIG Political Party of the United Kingdom calls on its followers to consider standing in the UK General Election in 2015.  In the post they write the following:

“If you want to stand as a BIG Party Candidate, you will need.

1. A £500 deposit (returnable if you get at least 5% of the vote)

2. Approximately £600 to print this Election Pamphlet, which will then be mailed out, free of charge, to every household in your constituency, explaining to them why they should vote for you.

3. Ten constituency residents, who are on the electoral roll, to nominate you to stand. These people only need to sign your nomination papers, they do not have to vote for you in the actual election.”

To read the full post, click on the following link:

Do you want to be an MP? Unconditional Basic Income Guarantee Party is recruiting Parliamentary Candidates for UK General Election 2015”, The BIG Political Party, 6 August 2014.