by Toru Yamamori | Feb 7, 2016 | News
Andrew White, ‘Could a basic income solve the biggest challenge of the digital economy?‘, The Guardian, 25th January 2016.
Andrew White, associate professor of creative industries and digital media at the University of Nottingham, argues that ‘those gathering at Davos would be remiss to not consider a basic income as a credible policy response to contemporary anxieties about our role in the modern workplace’
by Toru Yamamori | Feb 4, 2016 | News
David Jenkins, ‘Is It Time For London To Try Basic Income?‘, Londonist, 31st December 2015.
David Jenkins, a political theorist, argues that ‘[a]n idea like Unconditional Basic Income might seem radical, but its growing popularity represents the recognition that the old strategies are no longer up to muster and that serious, fresh new thinking for the future is required’.
by Toru Yamamori | Feb 3, 2016 | News
BBC broadcasted on a Basic Income in its radio program ‘Money Box’ on 13th January 2016. It can be heard online (last accessed on 26th January 2016).
by Josh Martin | Jan 31, 2016 | News
The think-tank RSA has come out in support of giving every British citizen £3,692 a year (£71 a week) as a way to reduce poverty traps caused by the benefit system while also improving fairness. Stone’s article explains the ideological diversity of basic income supporters from the Green party to Milton Friedman, but he also includes some basic income naysayers like Declan Gaffney, who believes a basic income would promote worklessness.
Jon Stone, “Scrap benefits system and bring in universal ‘citizens wage’ basic income for everyone, think-tank recommends”, The Independent, 17 December 2015.
by Toru Yamamori | Jan 29, 2016 | News
Caroline Lucas, ‘These are the simple reasons why a basic income for all could transform our society for the better‘, The Independent, 16th January 2015.
Caroline Lucas, the only member of parliament from the Green Party of England and Wales, has been considered as being reluctant for a citizen’s income according to a past media report, although it has been on the policy agenda of the party from its beginning.
In this article, however, Lucas makes herself clear by saying ‘a Basic Income is something that I’ve longed campaigned for.’ (cited from the original version of the article. Wording ‘I’ve’ is changed to ‘the Green Party has’ as accessed on 27th January)
She is also convinced that ‘[i]t’s clear why the Basic Income, which has often been dismissed as utopian, is making its way into the mainstream’.
Lucas tabled motion for basic income study to Parliament on 20th January 2015.