VIDEO: Musician and Writer Frances Coppola on Basic Income

Frances Coppola is a musician, singer, finance writer, and former banker, who has written extensively on basic income (you can search Basic Income News for links to many of her previous articles).

In a video published on September 27, 2016, she talks about unconditional basic income as way of “enabling people to do things that they’re really good at” and “be creative and different”.

YouTube player

The video was filmed at Coppola’s home in Rochester, Kent, England.

Basic Income UK, “Basic income: Frances story”, YouTube; filmed by Tom Cordell of Punchcard TV.

Stewart Lansley and Howard Reed, “Universal Basic Income: An idea whose time has come?”

Stewart Lansley and Howard Reed, “Universal Basic Income: An idea whose time has come?”

Earlier in the year, Stewart Lansley (Visiting Fellow at the University of Bristol and at City University) and Howard Reed (Director of Landman Economics) co-authored an extensive report on basic income for the British think tank Compass.

As described in the executive summary, “This paper examines the desirability and feasibility of introducing a universal basic income (UBI) scheme in the UK. It examines the merits of such a scheme, how it might be implemented and what role it might play in the search for a good society, one that is more equal, sustainable and democratic. In particular, it presents the results of a number of simulations of how such a scheme would work in practice, including its cost, distributional impact and feasibility.”

More recently, Lansley and Reed summarized their conclusions and policy recommendations–a gradual and incremental approach to the introduction of a UBI–in an article for the London School of Economics blog.

Read more:

Stewart Lansley and Howard Reed (October 13, 2016) “How to make a Universal Basic Income a reality” LSE blog.

Stewart Lansley and Howard Reed (May 2016) “Universal Basic Income: An idea whose time has come?” Compass.

Also see Tyler Prochazka’s Basic Income News exclusive interview with Lansley about the Compass report.

Image CC BY 2.0 Steven Depolo

BRISTOL, UK: Basic Income at Festival of Ideas (Nov 17)

BRISTOL, UK: Basic Income at Festival of Ideas (Nov 17)

On Thursday, November 17, the Bristol Festival of Ideas will be holding a debate on the question “Should the government give everybody in the country a minimum income, regardless of their circumstances?”

Panelists include Torsten Bell (Director of the Resolution Foundation), Louise Haagh (Reader at University of York and Co-Chair of BIEN), Anthony Painter (Director of the Action and Research Centre at the RSA), and Nick Pearce (Professor of Public Policy at Bath University and Director of the Institute for Policy Research). The discussion will be moderated by Jonathan Derbyshire.

The Bristol Festival of Ideas was established in 2004 to encourage debate and discussion in the city. Since its launch, it has held more than 2000 events.

For more information about the upcoming debate, see the event page at the Festival of Ideas website: Basic Income – An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Photo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Pablo Fernández

VIDEO: Basic Income “explainer” from the RSA

VIDEO: Basic Income “explainer” from the RSA

The British think tank RSA (The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts) has produced an animated explainer video about universal basic income.

Anthony Painter, Director of Policy and Strategy for the RSA, wrote the script and provides the voiceover for the video.

YouTube player

In December 2015, Painter authored an extensive report on universal basic income, “Creative citizen, creative state“, for the RSA.

The RSA “What is Universal Basic Income?” YouTube; published on Sep 15, 2016.

Sidewalk artist photo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 vigo74.

LONDON, UK: Jurgen De Wispelaere on “Basic Income In our Time” (Nov 3)

LONDON, UK: Jurgen De Wispelaere on “Basic Income In our Time” (Nov 3)

Jurgen De Wispelaere, a prominent basic income researcher at the University of Tampere (home of a basic income course series), will be delivering a guest lecture at Richmond University in London on November 3.

His lecture is titled “Basic Income in our Time: Political Prospects, Political Challenges” (cf. his similarly-titled recent publication in the Journal of Social Policy).

The event is free to the public.

For more information, or to register, see the Eventbrite page.

Photo: London, CC BY-SA 2.0 Pedro Szekely