by Karl Widerquist | Dec 2, 2014 | News
Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) is organising a series of five conferences on the theme “UBI in Europe – Promoting civil society” in order to promote Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) in Europe over the next year. The conferences are:
- UBI as a response to social inequality in Europe – Maribor, Slovenia, 19th-20th March 2015.
- Minimum Income vs. Basic Income – Paris, France, 19th -20th June 2015
- Stimulating Social Cohesion and Peace – The Hague, Netherlands, 17th -18th Sept. 2015
- National UBI vs. UBI in Europe – Budapest, Hungary, 5th – 6th Dec. 2015
- UBI and Degrowth – Cologne, Germany, 26th – 28th Feb. 2016
For each of those events, organizers want to adopt a participative way of elaborating the programs, and therefore, they are seeking for contributions to our first conference to be held in Maribor, Slovenia, 19th-20th March 2015.
The invitation is open to all European citizens with a wider interest in unconditional basic income who wish to share their findings and research with a European network. The conference in Maribor will explore the following key themes:
- Different social support systems and inequality
- Reaching social cohesion in Europe – Basic Income as one possible solution
The deadline for proposals is 8th January. For more details on how to participate, please see the conference website.
See also UBIE’s calendar of events.

UBIE Conference in Slovenia
by Craig Axford | Mar 8, 2014 | News

Living Income Guaranteed,
Living Income Guaranteed, “Slovenia’s Political Awakening”, Youtube, February 9, 2014
by Karl Widerquist | Nov 2, 2013 | News
[Craig Axford]
On October 24th, Slovenia joined Croatia to become the second EU nation reaching the required number of signatures on the Basic Income Initiative in Europe. If the initiative receives one million signatures and receives the required level of support in at least seven EU member nations, the EU will evaluate a basic income guarantee in Europe.
For more information, see the following web page: Slovenia has become the second country to reach the target, Basic Income Initiative in Europe, October 24, 2013.
by Yannick Vanderborght | Nov 14, 2012 | News
The “European Liberal Forum: Universal Basic Income: For a new social contract in Europe,” which took place at 11/12 October 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was announced at BINews and now there is a video series available at YouTube, including talks by Guy Standing, Philippe Van Parijs, and many others. Many of the talks are in English:
More information about the event:
by Yannick Vanderborght | Oct 4, 2012 | News
The international conference “Universal basic income: for new social contract in Europe” will bring together leading theoreticians on UBI and social welfare state, as well as their main opponents, to offer an open window for an international discussion and sharing of global experience on this topic in Slovenia. Feature speakers include, Philippe Van Parijs, author of Real Freedom for All, Joze Mencinger, a Professor at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Guy Standing, author of The Precariat, and Klaus Sambor, Secretary General of the European Sustainable Development NGO.
For more information, go to: