Pat Kane, “Is the ‘Glasgow Effect’ within control of those with no power in their lives?”

Pat Kane, “Is the ‘Glasgow Effect’ within control of those with no power in their lives?”

Kane’s article focuses on Ellie Harrison’s project in Glasgow where she has received £15,000 from Creative Scotland to fund a year-long exploration of an artist’s livelihood in one city. While many have critiqued Harrison’s project as a waste of money, Kane believes it is setting the tone for future discussions about similar basic incomes for all citizens, not just Harrison.

Pat Kane, “Is the ‘Glasgow Effect’ within control of those with no power in their lives?”, The National, 9 January 2016.

Peter Geoghegan, “Is a citizen’s income for everyone an idea whose time has come?”

Peter Geoghegan, “Is a citizen’s income for everyone an idea whose time has come?”

Geoghegan’s article serves as a very thorough introduction to basic income. He begins by discussing the recent commitment to a basic income pilot project in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and he then continues within the Scottish context by interviewing two major academics on the subject, Danny Dorling and Malcolm Torry.

Peter Geoghegan, “Is a citizen’s income for everyone an idea whose time has come?”, The National, 13 July 2015.


Pat Kane, “Terminal Redundancy in Digital Age”

Pat Kane, “Terminal Redundancy in Digital Age”

Pat Kane argues: “A basic income may be the way to support those displaced by robots and automation to develop their machine-resistant skills. It might also need a collective revaluing of those caring and creative skills in the first place. Which small nation can you think of that might be capable of such a patient and sustained revaluing? Right, first time.”

Pat Kane, “Terminal Redundancy in Digital Age”. The Scotsman, 26 January 2015.

SCOTLAND: Greens Manifesto 2015 refers to BIG

SCOTLAND: Greens Manifesto 2015 refers to BIG

Scottish Greens has published their manifest for General Election on 7th May. It says: ‘In the longer term we will build a welfare system which removes the stigma of benefit, helps end the “poverty trap” and promotes equality. A Citizen’s Income is emblematic of this approach. A Citizen’s Income will require a reform programme replace almost all benefits apart from disability payments with a simple regular payment to everyone – children, adults and pensioners. The beginning of this system already exist with state pensions and Child Benefit.’