Andria, Italy, 15th October 2012: Kick off of the week of initiatives in favour of Guaranteed Income

A debate on guaranteed income and the proposal of a popular initiative bill on guaranteed income in Italy will be held on Monday 15th October 2012 at Centro Antidispersione in Andria. The debate will be attended by Luca Santini (chairman of BIN Italia) and Nicola Fratoianni (Councillor for Youth Policies in Puglia region). During the event it will be possible to sign the petition for the popular initiative bill.

BIN Italia, Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project

Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario possibile [Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project], Publisher: Edizioni Gruppo Abele. Release date: October 25th 2012

A large number of associations, grassroots organisations, social activists and committees have launched a campaign to propose a popular initiative bill on guaranteed minimum income in Italy. A new book (entitled Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario possibile [Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project]), that is the result of a research carried out by BIN Italia and funded by Provincia di Roma, aims at making its contribution to such campaign. As a matter of fact, the research looks at the experiences of guaranteed minimum income in force in many European countries, it tells about the experimentation of implementing a guaranteed minimum income in some Italian regions, and finally it suggests a possible way to implement a national law on guaranteed minimum income in Italy by making suggestions and proposals, giving insights, and providing analyses.

The current situation is that Italy, along with Greece, is the only European country not to have any universal safety net in case of unemployment or work transition. In the midst of the hardest crisis since World War II to the present, of a political and economic impasse whose end is hard to see, it now emerges with strength and determination the need to redefine the very idea of Welfare.

Figures produced and released by the Italian National Statistics and Research Agencies tell about a country that is on the brink of social disaster, a social ‘default’ that is increasingly showing the need for a new redistributive policy, and therefore, the importance of implementing a guaranteed minimum income, as also many European Resolutions demand.

The book is in Italian and has been produced by a team of researchers including Giuseppe Allegri, Giuseppe Bronzini, Sabrina Del Pico, Sandro Gobetti, Saturnino Salvagni, Luca Santini, Rachele Serino. The book Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario possibile will be available in all major bookstores in Italy from October 25.

Rome, Italy, 15th of October 2012: Debate on Guaranteed Minimum Income

A debate on Guaranteed Minimum Income and the proposal of a popular initiative bill on guaranteed minimum income will be held on Monday 15th of October 2012 at Parco della Cacciarella in Rome. The event will include the presentation of BIN Italia last book, Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario possibile published by – Edizioni Gruppo Abele. The event is organised by the political party SEL – Sinistra Ecologia Libertà (Left Ecology Freedom).

It will be attended by Gianluca Peciola (who is in charge of welfare in SEL at local level), Claudio Di Berardino (who is a union representative from CGIL Roma e Lazio), Sandro Gobetti (BIN Italia Coordinator), and Massimiliano Smeriglio ( who is in charge of labour policies in SEL at national level). The debate will be coordinated by Marta Bonafoni (Radio Popolare Roma).

Italy, October 15-21, 2012: A Week of Initiatives in Favour of Guaranteed Income

BIN Italia, along with the associations and grassroots organisations that have launched a campaign to propose a popular initiative bill on guaranteed minimum income in Italy, calls for a week of initiatives in favour of guaranteed income. Many organisations from all over Italy have joined in the call, and during the week from October 15 to 21 they will be organising debates, theatre performances, gigs, readings, workshops, leafleting, books presentation related to the issue of guaranteed income. The idea behind this call is to develop a great social communication at national level by organising events whose aim is to create spaces where it is possible to talk about basic income, welfare state and social rights.

Info about the several initiatives organised during that week is online at:

Fermo, Italy, 19th October 2012: Books Presentation about Guaranteed Income

A book presentation about guaranteed income will be held on Friday 19th of October at the Bookstore Ferlinghetti in Fermo (Italy). The event will start at 7pm. There will be two books presentation:  Il reddito di cittadinanza by Giuseppe Bronzini and  Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario possibile by BIN Italia. Both books are published by Edizioni Gruppo Abele. The author Giuseppe Bronzini will be attending the event. The books presentation will be followed by a debate. During the event there will be a stall to collect signatures for the campaign to propose a popular initiative bill on guaranteed minimum income in Italy.