Rome, Italy, 15th December 2012: "Basic Income, Labour, Training: Welfare goes haywire"

[BIN-Italia – December 2012]

An Italian organisation called TILT organised a public debate entitled “Basic Income, Labour, Training: Welfare goes haywire” on the 15th of December at Porta Futuro in Rome.

During the morning session, the meeting was attended by Professor Edwin Morley Fletcher (Professor of Public Policies at Università La Sapienza), Tina Bali (from the Secretary of the union CGIL Roma e Lazio), Antonio Martini (Manager of the Ministry of Economic Development), Nicolò Pecorini (President of Multiverso), Roberto Covolo (Project Manager ex Fadda), and Pasquale Adilardi (Zona Bandita).

During the afternoon session, many other speakers took part in the event: Luca Santini (BIN Italia), Salvatore Marra (CGIL CES), Astrind D’eredità (ANA), Emanuele Toscano (CPU), Alessandro Valera (European Alternatives). Francesco Raparelli (Esc Atelier), Roberto Ciccarelli (Quinto Stato), as well as some members of grassroots organisations such as Diversamente Occupate, Iva sei Partita, Rete della conoscenza, and UDU.

Massimiliano Smeriglio, Town Councillor for Labour Policies at Provincia di Roma, and Nicola Zingaretti, Governor of the Province of Rome, took also part in the event.

Torino, Italy, 29th November 2012: Presentation of BIN Italia last book about Guaranteed Minimum Income

BIN Italia last book, entitled Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario e possibile [Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project] (published by Edizioni Gruppo Abile), has been presented in Turin at the bookshop “Torre di Babele” on November 29th. Luca Santini, President of BIN Italia, Sandro Gobetti, co-ordinator of BIN Italia (both co-authors of the book), and Marco Revelli (historian and sociologist) attended the book presentation.

Milano, Italy, 28th November 2012: Presentation of BIN Italia last book

BIN Italia continues its book tour across Italy. On November 28th the book entitled Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario e possibile [Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project] published by Edizioni Gruppo Abele has been presented in Milan. Andrea Fumagalli (BIN Italia) and Corrado Del Bò (Researcher in Philosophy of Law at the State University of Milan) took part in the event.

Modena, Italy, 4th December 2012: Public Debate on the right to exist and guaranteed income

[BIN-Italia – December 2012]

The political party SEL – Sinistra Ecologia Libertà (Left Ecology Freedom) organised a public debate on the right to exist and guaranteed income in the city of Modena on the 4th of December 2012 at Sala Giacomo Ulivi. The debate was coordinated by Simone Muzzioli who is the spokesperson of the Forum “Social Rights, Labour, Knowledges and Freedom”. Andrea Fumagalli, who is a well known Professor of Economics at the University of Pavia, and member of BIN Italia, as well as one of those who wrote the popular initiative bill on guaranteed minimum income in Italy, took part in the debate.

The event represented an occasion to directly and actively deal with issues such as guaranteed income and labour.