EUROPEAN UNION: Slovenia becomes second country to reach the target signatures for the Basic Income European Citizens Initiative

[Craig Axford]

On October 24th, Slovenia joined Croatia to become the second EU nation reaching the required number of signatures on the Basic Income Initiative in Europe.  If the initiative receives one million signatures and receives the required level of support in at least seven EU member nations, the EU will evaluate a basic income guarantee in Europe.

For more information, see the following web page: Slovenia has become the second country to reach the target, Basic Income Initiative in Europe, October 24, 2013.

EUROPEAN UNION: Citizens’ Initiative for Basic Income can be signed online

[Aynur Bashirova]

European citizens’ initiative petition on basic income was launched earlier this year. Basic income initiative believes in distributing minimum income to all the citizens without conditionality and regardless of the employment. The petition can be signed online by any EU citizen based on universal suffrage. If the initiative manages to collect 1 million signatures from at least seven EU countries, the initiative will be looked upon by the European Parliament.

For more information go to: European Commission. (14 January 2013). Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) – Exploring a pathway towards emancipatory welfare conditions in the EU. European Citizens’ Initiative.

EUROPE: European Citizens’ Initiative for Basic Income Collects 77,000 Signatures

Basic Income European Citizens' Initiative

Basic Income European Citizens' Initiative

The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) for Basic Income (BI) has so far collected more than 77,000 signatures from all 28 member countries of the European Union (EU). The ECI is a petition to encourage cooperation between the Member States aiming to explore BI as a tool to improve their respective social security systems. If one million EU citizens, who are nationals of at least one quarter of the Member States, sign the petition the European Commission to propose a legislation to promote BI within the member states. The initiative is a long way from its goal of one million signatures, but so far, neither has any other initiative since the treating creating the possibility went into affect. The initiative has made great strides in raising awareness of the issue across the EU.

A major push for the initiative is happening this week during the International Week of the Basic Income, which is taking place worldwide from 16 to 22 September 2013.

The Initiative’s website is:
If you are an EU citizen who would like to support the initiative (sign the petition) go to:

For information on the International Week of the Basic Income go to:

Perkio, Johanna, “Basic Income Proposals in Finland, Germany and Spain”

This paper compares BI models and discussion in Finland, Germany and Spain.

Perkio, Johanna, “Basic Income Proposals in Finland, Germany and Spain,” Discussion Paper No. 2, Transform! European network for alternative thinking and political dialogue, 2013, online at:

It’s also online as a PDF at:

The appendix is online at: