Canada: Bruce Stewart, “Canadian Senator Hugh Segal and his guaranteed income plan”

Hugh Segal

Hugh Segal

[Craig Axford]

This article discusses Conservative Canadian Senator Hugh Segal who continues to advocate for a basic income guarantee.  According to Senator Segal an income floor would encourage more entrepreneurship, enhance consumer spending, and provide a top up for low paying service jobs that are increasingly a barrier preventing many Canadians from joining the middle class.

Bruce Stewart, “Canadian Senator Hugh Segal and his guaranteed income plan”, Beacon News, October 7, 2013.

CANADA: BICN announces: “the BIG Push”

Keep your coins, I want change - BICN

Keep your coins, I want change - BICN

Basic Income Canada Network (BICN—BIEN’s affiliate in Canada) has announce the BIG Push, a new national campaign for a basic income guarantee in Canada. The campaign’s web site is up and running. The BIG Push campaign embraces work to raise awareness about basic income, build public support and secure public commitments for an expanded system of basic income, building on several existing income security programs that are working fairly well. The website includes information how individuals can get involved with or donate to the effort.

For more information: Rob Rainer, Director, The BIG Push:

Or see the big push website:

Basic income makes the headlines in Belgium

On October 25, 2013, basic income made the front page of the Flemish left-of-centre daily De Morgen. The article referred to a new book authored by Peter De Keyzer, a chief economist at the bank BNP Paribas Fortis in Brussels. In his book, entitled “Growth makes happy”, De Keyzer advocates the implementation of a substantial basic income of EUR1,000 per month in Belgium, and the suppression of several existing benefits (such as pensions and social assistance). The article also includes an interview with Evelyn Forget (University of Manitoba) about the Canadian BI experiments in the 1970s, as well as with Philippe Van Parijs (Louvain University). According to Van Parijs, “In Europe, the idea of a basic income has never been so lively than these days”. The President of the Flemish Green Party, Wouter Van Besien, criticizes the proposal made by De Keyzer, as it would- he argues – lead to more inequality and more poverty. The editorial of De Morgen, by Bart Eeckhout, is also entirely devoted to basic income. It is entitled “Basic income is worth a discussion”.

The editorial by Bart Eeckhout can be read online (although its title is different from the printed version). The article itself is not available online.