by Karl Widerquist | Mar 27, 2014 | Research
SUMMARY: Carol Goar argues that by endorsing a basic annual income, delegates of the Liberal Party of Canada have forced their leader Justin Trudeau to choose between social justice and fiscal rectitude.
Carol Goar “‘Basic annual income’ loaded with pitfalls.” The Toronto Star, Feb 25 2014.

Justin Trudeau -Ryan Remiorz / THE CANADIAN PRESS
by Craig Axford | Mar 23, 2014 | Research

Prince Edward Island
[Craig Axford]
Canadian government changes to Employment Insurance (EI) program make a guaranteed income more attractive to some on Prince Edward Island.
Journal Pioneer staff, “EI manipulation further cements need for basic income guarantee – Redmond”, The Journal Pioneer, February 25, 2014.
by Craig Axford | Mar 19, 2014 | Research

Rob Rainer
[Craig Axford]
Rob Rainer, “To Rescue the Middle Class, Ensure Basic Income”, The Brandt Advocate, February 24, 2014.
by BICN | Mar 9, 2014 | News
[Rob Rainer, BICN]
At the Liberal Party of Canada’s biennial convention February 20-23, 2014, held in Montreal, party members voted in favour of two policy resolutions in support of basic income. Resolution #100 was passed as one of 18 “priority” resolutions: see Creating a Basic Annual Income to be Designed and Implemented for a Fair Economy. Resolution #97 was passed as one of 14 resolutions stemming from convention workshops: see Basic Income Supplement: Testing a Dignified Approach to Income Security for Working-Age Canadians. The 32 resolutions passed at the convention (out of more than 160 brought to the floor) are not binding upon the Party’s leadership. However, there is a requirement for the leadership to respond to them. At the least, it is apparent that within the Liberal Party of Canada, as also within the Green Party of Canada, there is explicit openness to and support for basic income. We are aware, too, of degrees of support for basic income within the Conservative and New Democratic parties. This demonstrates once again basic income’s appeal across the political spectrum.
by Craig Axford | Feb 28, 2014 | Research

Image by Dave Ron
[Craig Axford]
Canada’s 1970s experiment with a basic income guarantee in a small town in Manitoba is revisited in this article. Though the Mincome pilot program came to an end in 1978 without the impacts of the program receiving much analysis, that changed when Evelyn Forget, professor of health sciences at the University of Manitoba, gained access to the data in 2009.
Vivian Belik, “A Town Without Poverty?”, The Dominion, September 5, 2011