AUDIO: Jian Ghomeshi, “Giving money directly to poor mothers: lessons from Brazil.”

Ten years ago, Brazil introduced a radical plan to fight poverty — give cash, every month, directly to mothers. It was self-consciously introduced as a first step toward phasing in an unconditional basic income. In audio segment, the CBC’s Jian Ghomeshi “speaks with Olga Khazan, associate editor for The Atlantic, about the program’s successes and shortcomings, and what it has meant in a country with a checkered history with women’s issues.”

Jian Ghomeshi, “Giving money directly to poor mothers: lessons from Brazil.Q Blog: CBC Radio, June 10, 2014.

Grandmother Edelice dos Santos and mother Maria Cristina stand before their family in a government-subsized home in Aguas Lindas, Brazil. (Eraldo Peres/AP via CBC Radio)

Grandmother Edelice dos Santos and mother Maria Cristina stand before their family in a government-subsized home in Aguas Lindas, Brazil. (Eraldo Peres/AP via CBC Radio)

CANADA: Author John Ralston Saul endorses BIG

John Ralston Saul via Wikipedia

John Ralston Saul via Wikipedia

John Ralston Saul, (born June 19, 1947), a Canadian author and essayist, recently endorsed BIG. His comments came in response to a question about the “Guaranteed Annual Income”–the name by which the Basic Income Guarantee is most commonly known in Canada. Saul replied in plain and highly supportive language, “In order to save public money, I’m in favor of it, and also to bring a certain level of dignity. It’s clear that the managerial approach is to have a multitude of programs, which have to be managed, and which give them power over individuals, whereas a Guaranteed Annual Income would be very cheap, and would remove that power from them.”

To see a video of Saul’s endorsement, go to: Jack Saturday, “John Ralston Saul’s View of Basic Income,” June 11, 2014.