Drover, Moscovitch, and Mulvale, “Promoting Equity for a Stronger Canada: The Future of Canadian Social Policy”

Drover, Moscovitch, and Mulvale, “Promoting Equity for a Stronger Canada: The Future of Canadian Social Policy”

Drover, Moscovitch, and Mulvale write on behalf of the Canadian Association of Social Workers to share their concerns about the direction of Canadian social policy. They fear that it has become too decentralized, potentially harming health care, social inclusion, and social protection. Their policy recommendations to promote pan-Canadian equity are a national basic income scheme, continued funding of the Canada Social Transfer, and to continue to fund the health system, among other policy recommendations.

This may be the first time a national professional organization in Canada has advocated a basic income, and Jim Mulvale is Vice-Chair of the Basic Income Canada Network.

Glenn Drover, Allan Moscovitch, and Jim Mulvale, “Promoting Equity for a Stronger Canada: The Future of Canadian Social Policy”, Canadian Association of Social Workers, 22 May 2014.


TORONTO, Canada: The Precariat Charter: In Conversation with Professor Guy Standing, 10th April, 2015.

TORONTO, Canada: The Precariat Charter: In Conversation with Professor Guy Standing, 10th April, 2015.

Professor Guy Standing, the author of Precariat Charter, and Doug Saunders Globe and Mail international affairs columnist will discuss BIG, the precariat, and a new form of progressive politics.

Time and date: 6pm 10th April 2015

Venue: 170 Bloor Street West, Suite 710

Toronto ON M5S 1T9


Contact: info@spurfestival.ca

Phone 416 531-1483

Fax 416 944-8915

Please see for the detail:


Winnipeg, Manitoba: Working towards a Basic Income for Manitoba and Canada

On 5 February 2015 the Manitoba Institute for Policy Research of the University of Manitoba hosted an event entitled “Working towards a Basic Income for Manitoba and Canada”, as part of its Policy, Pizza & a Pint Series.


Evelyn Forget -the Winnipeg Free Press

The session featured Evelyn Forget (Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba), Jurgen De Wispelaere (Institute for Health and Social Policy, McGill University), and Jessica Dumas (Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce, Winnipeg). The evening’s programme was moderated by Shannon Sampert, Perspectives and Politics Editor, Winnipeg Free Press.

Videos of the session can be found at:

Part 1 – Evelyn Forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4HCLPjyQaQ

Part 2 – Jurgen De Wispelaere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCtLn2B3f98

Part 3 – Jessica Dumas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8WI76tolEA

Part 4 – Moderated Questions with Shannon Sampert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArATeDX5vpc

Jessica Dumas

Jessica Dumas

The basic (guaranteed) income model of economic security for all has been gaining attention in policy circles across Canada. This model would provide a minimum income for all Manitobans and Canadians instead of the government’s current piecemeal approach to social assistance and income support programs.

The panel reviewed Manitoba’s experience with basic income through the ‘Mincome’ pilot project based in Manitoba in the late 1970s, and discussed its potential for implementation in the current climate.