SAN FRANCISCO: Andy Stern to speak on UBI, June 28

SAN FRANCISCO: Andy Stern to speak on UBI, June 28

Former SEIU president Andy Stern, along with Natalie Foster of Institute for the Future, will be leading a discussion of universal basic income at the SPUR Urban Center in San Francisco, CA, USA, on Tuesday, June 28 at 6 pm Pacific Time.

From the event description:

National labor leader Andy Stern is one of the country’s leading thinkers about the future of work and jobs. In his new book, Raising the Floor, Stern concludes that the United States needs to consider what may be the biggest idea of the 21st century, a Universal Basic Income (UBI). Join us for a discussion with the author about how a universal basic income could work, and be paid for, in order to help all Americans.

Stern’s book, Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream, was published earlier this month to great publicity. For more background, see recent interviews with Stern in The AtlanticThe Guardian (and here), Yahoo Finance (video), Bloomberg (video), and CNBC (video), and a commentary written by Stern for CNBC.

For more information about the upcoming event, or to register, visit the event page at SPUR’s website.

SPUR Urban Center photo (2010) CC Anita Hart 

LOS ANGELES, CA: Second Basic Income Create-A-Thon, April 15-17

LOS ANGELES, CA: Second Basic Income Create-A-Thon, April 15-17

The second Basic Income “Create-A-Thon” will be held in Los Angeles, California, from April 15-17. The event will unite “writers, artists, videographers, developers, musicians, and other creatives” for the purpose of creating “content and media around the theme of a Universal Basic Income in the United States.”

A similar event was held in San Francisco last November, bringing together 60 creative-minded basic income advocates, and resulting in the development of eight separate projects, including, among others, a documentary, cost-calculator, policy proposal for the city of San Francisco, and the United States’ first crowd-funded basic income raffle.

For more information, to register, or to learn about how to initiate a Basic Income Create-A-Thon in your own city, see the Create-A-Thon’s official website.

Photo of LA skyline CC Wikimedia Commons

Thanks to my supporters on Patreon. (Click the link to see how you too can support my work for Basic Income News.) 

Oakland, California: Income For All: A Basic Right? A conversation with author Peter Barnes on May 18

Oakland, California: Income For All: A Basic Right? A conversation with author Peter Barnes on May 18

The Sustainable Economies Law Center of Oakland, California is hosting an event titled, “Income For All: A Basic Right? A conversation with author Peter Barnes” on May 18, 2015, at the Impact Hub Oakland. Peter Barnes’s recent book With Liberty and Dividends for All discusses the desirability of a universal basic income that comes from wealth instead of labor.

For more information, click here.