Italy, Rome 28th of May: The strength of basic income. Technological innovation, new welfare and experiments all around the world

Italy, Rome 28th of May: The strength of basic income. Technological innovation, new welfare and experiments all around the world

On the the 28th of May, at 17h, Fondazione Basso hosts in via della Dogana Vecchia 5, in Rome, a book presentation and discussion titled “The strength of the basic income. Technological innovation, new welfare and experiments all around the world“.

The event will be an opportunity to compare and discuss different analysis and approaches on issues regarding the basic income proposal, as described in three different recently published books.

The authors of these three books will be present:

Roberto Ciccarelli, author of “Forza lavoro. Il lato oscuro della rivoluzione digitale [Workforce. The dark side of digital revolution]” (Derive Approdi, 2018)

Giuseppe Bronzini, author of “Il diritto ad un reddito di base. Il welfare nell’era dell’innovazione [The right to a basic income. Welfare in the age of innovation]” (Gruppo Abele, 2017)

Sandro Gobetti and Luca Santini, authors of “Reddito di base tutto il mondo ne parla. Esperienze, proposte e sperimentazioni [Basic income, all the world talks about it. Experiences, proposals and experiments]” (GoWare, 2018)

Giuseppe Allegri (University of La Sapienza) and Giacomo Marramao (University Roma Tre) will also talk at the event. The meeting is organized by the Basic Income Network Italia.


(Thanks to Anna Maria Catenacci)

New book: Beyond the Income for Inclusion, for a guaranteed Income as a Basic Right.

New book: Beyond the Income for Inclusion, for a guaranteed Income as a Basic Right.

The Basic Income Network Italy has published a new Quaderno per il Reddito (Income Notebook) N°8 – February 2018. The title of this new publication is “Beyond the Income for Inclusion, for a guaranteed income as a basic right” and hosts, in 144 pages, twelve italian authors. The book analyzes the new measure introduced in Italy called “Reddito di inclusione [Income for Inclusion]” for people in extreme poverty, very conditioned and with very low state funding.

Italy: Basic Income Network Italy releases new book “Guaranteed income and technological innovation, between algorithms and robotics”

Italy: Basic Income Network Italy releases new book “Guaranteed income and technological innovation, between algorithms and robotics”


Basic Income Network – Italy has just released a new book: “Guaranteed income and technological innovation, between algorithms and robotics“, which will be available in bookstores on the 22nd of June, 2017. In addition, the book is available online through publisher Asterios Editore.


The book opens up a global topic of interest: the links between the fourth industrial revolution, robotics and artificial intelligence, platform capitalism, and basic income rights – to the Italian populus. The publication documents a debate that involved a large group of academics, scholars, researchers and activists who were ready to make a say in favor of basic income as a social guarantee. This is particularly important at the time of technological innovation, which requires new mental and cultural paradigms, even before political and institutional ones.


Within the book fifteen authors reveal variant perspectives, beliefs, and views on basic income. The contributors agree that social protections and its mechanisms need rethinking, in order to bring forth a guaranteed basic income.


A fil rouge runs through the words and ideas of the books essays: in the digital age, look at the present and toward the future in order to recognize a collective right that allows each individual to participate in the redistribution of wealth produced by social networking, among other rights. The political and social pushor a basic income is thus understood to challenge social injustice and enable an individual and collective self-determination within a new type of ​​society.


Because, most probably, as is quoted by Philippe Van Parijs in this book: “One day we will wonder how we could live without a basic income…”


Authors / articles in the book:

Gianmarco Mecozzi, Mutanti senza reddito garantito (Mutants without guaranteed income)

Giuseppe Allegri, Re UBI per una nuova società. Reddito di base, innovazione, tempi di vita (King UBI for a new society. Basic income, innovation, time of life)

Franco Berardi Bifo, Come attualizzare il possibile, ovvero: per l’autonomia progettuale della Silicon Valley Globale (How to update the possible: for the autonomy of the Global Silicon Valley)

Luigi Corvo, BIM – Basic Income Matters. Reddito di base e innovazione sociale (Basic Income Matters. Basic income and social innovation)

Giuseppe Bronzini, Reddito di base, lavoro, automazione: appunti per un nuovo garantismo sociale (Basic income, work, automation: notes for a new social security)

Francesca Bria, Reddito di cittadinanza nell’economia dei robot per dire no alla precarietà (Basic income in the robot economy to say no to precariousness)

Benedetto Vecchi, Il reddito di base oltre l’algoritmo digitale (Basic income beyond the digital algorithm)

Sandro Gobetti, Google al governo e reddito per tutti? (Google to the government and income for everyone?)

Silvano Cacciari, Potere deflattivo, tecnologia, (de-)globalizzazione e reddito di cittadinanza (Deflating Power, Technology, (de-) Globalization and Citizenship Income)

Franco Carlucci, Soft Machine 2.0. L’operaio sociale e l’uso capitalistico delle macchine (Soft Machine 2.0. The social worker and the capitalist use of machines)

Roberto Ciccarelli, Nel capitalismo digitale il reddito di base non si trova sugli alberi (In digital capitalism basic income doesn’t grow on trees)

Fabrizio Fassio e Giuseppe Nicolosi, L’aumento del tempo di lavoro nell’epoca della sua riducibilità técnica (The increase in working time in the era of its technical reducibility)

Mariano Di Palma, Robot n. 18, senza articolo. L’urgenza di un reddito minimo dentro la quarta rivoluzione industriale (Robot n. 18, without the article. The urgency of a minimum income in the fourth industrial revolution)

Andrea Fumagalli, Umani, macchine e reddito di base (Humans, machines and basic income)


More information at:

[In Italian]

Guaranteed income and technological innovation, between algorithms and robotics”, Basic Income Network – Italy, Asterios, June 2017

Italy, Rome: 15 June Guaranteed income and technological innovation

Italy, Rome: 15 June Guaranteed income and technological innovation

On the 15th of June, 2017, there will be a presentation and debate of the new publication of the Italian Basic Income Network (BIN Italia) “Guaranteed income and technological innovation”, published with Asterios Editore.

The initiative will be held on Thursday, the 15th of June, from 7 pm to 9 pm at Millepiani Via Nicolò Odero 13, in Rome.

Giuseppe Bronzini
Sandro Gobetti
Giuseppe Allegri
Roberto Ciccarelli
Franco Berardi Bifo
Luigi Corvo
Pino Nicolisi


More information at:

[in Italian]

Sandro Gobetti, “Roma 15 giugno: Reddito garantito e innovazione tecnologica“, Basic Income Network Italia, 6th June 2017