Thomas Wells, “How to end global poverty: Just give money to the poor”

This article argues for BIG in terms of logistics, costs, effectiveness, and flexibility.

Thomas Wells, “How to end global poverty: Just give money to the poor.” Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): Religion and Ethics: Opinion. 24 Feb 2014.

"The main impediment to effective global action against poverty is not the amorality of rich world citizens or politicians, but cynicism that anything we try can make a positive difference." Photo: via ABC

“The main impediment to effective global action against poverty is not the amorality of rich world citizens or politicians, but cynicism that anything we try can make a positive difference.” Photo: via ABC

AUSTRALIA: Pirate Party Considers Basic Income

Australia’s Pirate Party is considering adopting basic income as part of its tax platform, policy development documents posted online suggest. The draft framework proposes that the basic income could be delivered through the introduction of a negative income tax. However, their website advises that the policy is not yet finalized and represents neither the party’s present views nor their future intentions.

For more information see:
Pirate Party Australia, “PDC: Taxv2 policy working group”, The Pirate Party, Australia, 18th March 2014