Research posts

Here you will find notices about research and research results relating to Basic Income

Silvia Giannelli, “Pray Again to Saint Precarious”

[Sabrina Del Pico – July 2013] Saint Precarious (San Precario) is an iconic image created back in 2004 by a network of Italian activists who dealt with the concept of “precarity” since 2001. This unusual saint was declared patron of all precarious workers and used to...

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Krugman, Paul – Sympathy for the Luddites?

Wolfgang Müller – BI News Paul Krugman discusses in this article the effect of technological development on unemployment for low skills as well as high skills workers. This effect can be seen everywhere in the world and increases inequality. He concludes that the old...

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Sheahan, Allan, “Jobs are not the answer”

[Wolfgang Müller – BI News] In this article, Al Sheahen argues that the labor market has changed. Full employment is very unlikely in the future. Globalization and improvement of technology will eliminate more jobs. This development demands a break of “the link...

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FRENCH: Special issue of journal Mouvements

The left-wing French journal Mouvements devoted its entire Spring 2013 issue to basic income. This substantial volume includes no less than 20 papers on the various aspects of basic income. While most authors are very much in favour of it, some are more skeptical....

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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