Research posts

Here you will find notices about research and research results relating to Basic Income

Jill Segger, “Growing pains”

PUBLISHER’S SUMMARY: “However much we disagree on how to achieve it, politicians promise the same thing – an economy that grows and grows forever. Jill Segger doesn’t buy it.” She considers basic income as a better alternative. Jill Segger, “Growing pains,” Reform....

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Tobias Haeusermann, “A Salary for Living”

SUMMARY: An article on the cost of living, the cost of stigmatising, and the cost of forgetting the rich historical basis of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) idea. It further explores how the recent proposal to institute a UBI in Switzerland may turn out to be a...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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