New York, NY: The Fourteenth Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress


Thursday, February 26 – Sunday March 1, 2015

The Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) is suddenly a major topic of conversation in America and around the world. Activist movements have sprung up to push for it. Recent articles in the popular press have discussed it as a part of strategies to address recession, poverty, inequality, carbon pollution, and technological unemployment. In an economy forcing increasing numbers of people into precarious employment situations, is BIG a necessary and achievable part of efforts to retrieve democratic social stability? Can we afford it? How will it affect the economy? Will the new activist movements for BIG take off?



We invite participants to address these and other questions at the Fourteenth Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee (NABIG) Congress, which will take place in New York City starting Thursday, February 26 – Sunday March 1, 2015. The congress is organized by the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network (USBIG) in cooperation with the Basic Income Canada Network (BICN/RCRG). It will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Economic Association (EEA). It will also include free event(s) to be held at other venues and announced later.

Featured speakers at the conference confirmed so far include Marshall Brain, futurist and author of How Stuff Works and Manna; Peter Barnes, environmentalist and author of Who Owns the Sky?, With Liberty and Dividends For All, and Capitalism 3.0; Ann Withorn, welfare rights activist and Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Boston, author of Serving the People: Social Services and Social Change and co-editor of For Crying out Loud: Women and Poverty in the U.S.; Jim Mulvale, Dean of the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Manitoba and Vice-Chairperson of the Basic Income Canadian Network (BICN/RCRG), and Mary Bricker Jenkins, Professor of Social Work, Temple University, and US Welfare Rights Union leaders.

A major focus of this conference is to introduce BIG to new audiences and to explain why it matters to so many. Therefore, we invite participants either to present a paper or to organize a dialogue or a workshop. For example, we suggest submitting proposals for a dialogue about BIG and today’s social movements, which could focus on labor issues (full employment, minimum wage, etc.), on racial and gender justice, on environmental issues, on immigration concerns and so on. The goal is to engage an open conversation about the connections (and possible tensions) between movement activists and BIG supporters. A dialogue is not a debate, but an effort to promote discussion across movements. Alternatively, workshops might involve an exercise to bring out the group’s thoughts and feelings about some issue relating to BIG.

Everyone attending the events at the EEA Conference must register with the EEA and pay their registration fee. If you register as a USBIG participant, you can register for the EEA members’ price of $110 without paying the EEA’s membership fee—saving $65. All registered attendees of the North American Basic Income Congress are welcome to attend any of the EEA’s events. Participants attending only the free event(s) need not register. Details of those events will be announced later.



All points of view are welcome. To present a paper, to organize a workshop, or lead a dialogue at the congress, submit a proposal to the congress organizer, Karl Widerquist of USBIG, at

Please include the following information with your proposal:

1. Name(s)

2. Affiliation(s)

3. Address

4. City, Province/State, Postal/Zip Code, and Country

5. Telephone

6. Email Address(es)

7. Title of Paper, Presentation, or Panel

8. Abstract or description of the presentation or workshop (50-150 words)

9. Indicate your availability for the free events, the paid events, or both.

Panels: Proposals for panel discussions should include a title, topic, and description of the panel and the names and contact information for each participant. For dialogues, only one or two moderators need to be listed.

DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: November 10th, 2014

For updated information on featured speakers, registration, and accommodations as it becomes available, visit the USBIG website: For more information about the Eastern Economics Association Annual Meeting, visit the EEA website:

Essential information:

Conference dates: Thursday, February 26 – Sunday, March 1, 2015
The deadline for participant submissions: November 10, 2014
Location: New York, NY
Organizing committee: Karl Widerquist <> (organizer), Ann Withorn <>, Shawn Cassiman <>, and Jurgen De Wispelaere <>

Benjamin Shingler, "Money for nothing: Mincome experiment could pay dividends 40 years on"

Betty Wallace

Betty Wallace, a recipient of the monthly payments who still lives in the farmhouse where she lived in the 1970s, recalled Mincome’s major impact on some families. Benjamin Shingler

[Craig Axford]

Residents of Dauphin, Manitoba who benefited from Canada’s experiment with a basic income guarantee look back upon it fondly.  Research conducted four decades after the so-called “Mincome” experiment found the project resulted in a significant decline in hospital visits without producing a reduction in labor market participation.

Benjamin Shingler, “Money for nothing: Mincome experiment could pay dividends 40 years on”, Aljazeera America, August 26, 2014

NEW YORK: The 14th North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress, Feb. 26 – Mar. 1, 2015

Peter Barnes

Peter Barnes

The 14th Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee (NABIG) Congress will be held in conjunction with the Eastern Economic Association in New York, NY, Thursday, February 26 – Sunday, March 1, 2015. The call for participants will be released soon. The deadline for participant submissions is October 31, 2015. The NABIG Congress is a joint meeting of the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) Network and the Basic Income Canada Network (BICN). It takes place each year, rotating between the United States and Canada. Features Speakers include Peter Barnes: entrepreneur, environmental activist, and author of a half-dozen books, including, Who Owns the Sky?, Capitalism 3.0, and With Liberty and Dividends for All.

Essential information:

  • Conference dates: Thursday, February 26 – Sunday, March 1, 2015
  • The deadline for participant submissions: October 31, 2014f
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Organizing committee: Karl Widerquist <> (organizer), Ann Withorn <>, Shawn Cassiman <>, and a BICN representative to be named later.
Eastern Economic Association

Eastern Economic Association

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, “Progressives' hot new poverty-fighting idea has just one basic problem: Science”

[Josh Martin]

Gobry, a self-identified right-winger, used to support a basic income like many other conservatives have in the past; now, he doesn’t.  Gobry understands the allure of the basic income, but in this critique of the basic income, Gobry uses an analysis from Jim Manzi of a set of randomized field trials from the 60’s to the 90’s in the USA and Canada to “prove” that the basic income fails.  Science is on his side, he claims.  To him, the only welfare policies that successfully place people into work are the policies with work requirements.

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, “Progressives’ hot new poverty-fighting idea has just one basic problem: Science”, The Week, 21 July 2014.

People need to work, not just for income, but emotional health. (Source: The Week)

People need to work, not just for income, but emotional health. (Source: The Week)