Scott Santens, “Guess what happened when Liberia tested a pilot program of cash transfers to the extreme poor in Bomi”

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Scott Santens reports on a recently completed basic income pilot in Liberia. Results closely follow other cash transfer programs, as money expenditure goes mainly to food, followed by school, housing, health, savings and clothing. Still according to the referred pilot study, one third of the recipients started businesses of their own, and the sharing of money and food grew. It seems clear that Basic Income works.


Scott Santens, “Guess what happened when Liberia tested a pilot program of cash transfers to the extreme poor in Bomi“, Scott Santens Blog, February 23 2015


Scott Santens, “Universal basic income as the social vaccine of the 21st century”

Picture from: Glö

Picture from: Glö

The article compares the savings gathered in eradicating smallpox, with the introduction of a basic income, arguing that the same prevention logic applies as to eradicating poverty. It is strongly supported on registered costs and financial estimates, but also refers non monetary benefits from prevention, both on the physical smallpox disease and the modern poverty pandemic.


Scott Santens, “Universal basic income as the social vaccine of the 21st century“, Medium, February 5 2015