Matthew Johnson (editor), “Special Issue: The Precariat.”

SUMMARY: Guy Standing’s book, The Precariat: A New and Dangerous Class, addresses labor market insecurity and argues for basic income as a solution. The journal, Global Discourse, devotes an entire issue to the Precariat. According Matthew Johnson, who was the guest editor of the special issue, “This issue of Global Discourse seeks to explore the nature, shape and context of precariat, evaluating the internal consistency and application of the concept, particularly with regard to: changes in the sociology of class; democracy, participation and representation; the relationship between precariat and multitude; the means by which precariat might become a ‘class-for-itself’; place, migration and globalization; poverty and precarity; the subjective experience of precarity, and forms of resistance. The articles published reflect the extent, both with regard to paradigmatic engagement and site of study, to which the concept has permeated the consciousness of academics and those subject to precariousness (indeed, the former appear increasingly to be included in the latter).”

Matthew Johnson (editor), “Special Issue: The Precariat.” Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, Volume 3, Issue 3-4, 2013

Guy Standing, “I am Guy Standing, co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network and author of The Precariat, ask me anything”

The Basic Income Community on Reddit has more than 12,000 thousand members. This online community amounts to a continuous discussion in which people post articles, ask questions, make comments, and debate basic income. One of Reddit’s tools is the AMA (Ask Me Anything), in which a well-known figure promises to be available to answer questions for a given amount of time. On DATE, Guy Standing became the first major author to host an AMA on the topic of Basic Income. Guy Standing is a Professor of X at Y, the author of more than a dozen books, many on basic income including The Precariat: A New and Dangerous Class.

The questions, answers, and follow-up comments from Guy Standing’s AMA are online.

Guy Standing, “I am Guy Standing, co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network and author of The Precariat, ask me anything”, Reddit, 5th May 2014.

Professor Guy Standing

Professor Guy Standing

LONDON, UK: Book launch event: A precariat charter: From denizens to citizens, May 6, 2014

Guy standing will launch his new book, A precariat charter: From denizens to citizens, at the University of London on May 6. Professor Emeritus John Weeks will chair the event.

Date: Tuesday 6 May 2014
Time: 6-8pm, including reception
Location: Brunei Gallery Building,  School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Thornhaugh Street.
For more information contact: Guy Standing <>

Jourdan, Stanislas. “The Dangers and Hopes of the Precariat: An Interview with Guy Standing.”

Aynur Bashirova – BI News – 2013.

Guy Standing, in his interview with Stanislas Jourdan, published in Basic Income UK, talks about the rising social class called “Precariat” and its dangers for society. Standing is a Professor of Economic Security at the University of Bath and one of the founders and co-president of BIEN. Precariat is a social class, members of which suffer from precarity, existence without predictability or security. It started with governments making labor markets more flexible and more and more people ended up being pushed into precariat. This social class encompasses three types of people. The first type is the people coming from working class conditions. Second type is the immigrants. The ones that belong to the final type are the young, educated people. All three of them have different social consciousness, but more and more they came to share the same feeling of precarity. Solution to this condition, according to Standing, is BI, which will create more security, both in private and work life of people belonging to this social group. He believes that movements led mostly by young people will become a wake up call for politicians to realize the existing situation and its solution.

Jourdan, Stanislas. (6 August 2013). “The Dangers and Hopes of the Precariat: An Interview with Guy Standing.” Basic Income UK.