A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.
The Royal Society of Arts Explains: [2 minutes]

Recent News, Opinion, and Research
Hybrid Evening Lecture by Prof. Dr. Philippe van Parijs: 19 January 2023
On Thursday, the 19th of January 2023, Prof. Dr. Philippe van Parijs (UCLouvain) gives an evening lecture in the FRIBIS Lecture Series on "A world in crisis: boost or damper for basic income?“ Abstract: Some argue that global warming, the Covid pandemic and the war in...
New basic income trial under preparation in Senegal
In Senegal, a trial for delivering a universal unconditional income is currently being studied by the NGO Enda Graf Sahel, chaired by Mr. Emmanuel Seyni Ndione. This project would be conducted in the town of Ethiolo in the South-East of Senegal. The mayor, Mr. Lama...
Forthcoming book on the history of social psychiatry in the United States advocates for UBI
The First Resort "is a history of the rise and fall of social psychiatry that also explores the lessons this largely forgotten movement has to offer today. Matthew Smith examines four ambitious projects that investigated the relationship between socioeconomic factors...
New book on income inequality in the UK features basic income
The Richer, the Poorer charts the rollercoaster history of both rich and poor and the mechanisms that link wealth and impoverishment. This landmark book shows how, for 200 years, Britain’s most powerful elites have enriched themselves at the expense of surging...
FRIBIS Winter School with Phillipe van Parijs
The Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS) is inviting you to the first FRIBIS winter school, entitled “Today’s global challenges and the UBI debate”, and under the guidance of Philippe van Parijs, from January 16th to 20th 2023. Over the five days, the...
COP27: An opportunity for basic income
Leaders from around the world are attending to discuss climate change, its consequences, and how to face them. This event is COP27 which took place in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt. One of the focuses of the recent climate conference is how to support countries, especially...
UBI and the Cost of Living Crisis
UBI Lab Food is organizing an online event about ‘Universal Basic Income and the Cost of Living Crisis’ on Monday, 21 November 2022, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM UK time. The panel will consist of Ian Byrne MP, Lucy Antal (Feedback Global), Mary O’Hara (Author), Penny Walters...
Basic Income for the Arts in Ireland: What can we learn?
The Government of the Republic of Ireland has started the Basic Income for the Arts Pilot Scheme. UBI Lab Arts, UBI Lab Leeds and Network and Culture declares Emergency would like to invite you to the online event ‘Basic Income for the Arts in Ireland - What Can We...
Videos of sessions and papers presented at the BIG 2022 Conference now available for viewing
The 20th annual Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) Conference was held June 23-25 and videos of 27 sessions are now available for viewing free on YouTube. Click here to see them. You can scroll down the playlist at the bottom right of the screen to see the titles of the...
Guy Standing in Alternative Climate Conference November 19
On Saturday, November 19, the DiEM25 Alternative Climate Conference (COP OFF) will feature a panel discussion about the ideas and principles that must guide a just green transition. Our panel will feature Croatian philosopher and DiEM25 co-founder Srećko Horvat, ...
New FRIBIS Publication: Financial Issues of a Universal Basic Income
In 2021, the first FRIBIS annual conference took place in Freiburg, Germany. It was dedicated to the topic “Financial Issues of a Universal Basic Income”. Now the contributions have been published by LIT Verlag Berlin, edited by Bernhard Neumärker and Jessica Schulz....
Bloomberg: “For More Than 20 Guaranteed Income Projects, the Data Is In”
An article by Sarah Holder published by Bloomberg reports that preliminary data on over 20 guaranteed income pilot programs shows that they have been a lifeline across the US — especially for parents of color. Click here to read the article.