A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.
The Royal Society of Arts Explains: [2 minutes]

Recent News, Opinion, and Research
Report on the 2023 BIEN Congress held in Seoul, South Korea
by Annie Miller "When I was invited to give the Opening Address, I wondered ‘What could I talk about?’. However, I realised that, even after more than three decades in the business, I am still learning new things that I could share. I had also had the privilege of...
When: Friday 5th January 2024, 14:00 - 15:30 Where: Oxford Real Farming Conference 2024, Blue Boar House, INTER-VARSITY ROOM Facilitators: Hamish Evans, Dot Tiwari, Jake Richardson & Kathleen PollittSpeaker: Guy Standing "From labourers to landowners, livelihoods...
New Mexico Guaranteed Income Pilot Program for Immigrant Families – Report
A new report on a recently concluded statewide guaranteed income pilot program with immigrant families shows how unrestricted cash assistance programs allowed low-wage earners to pursue better jobs, increase their educational levels, and improve other...
2023 Report: Mayors & Counties for a Guaranteed Income
Since launching in 2020, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income has grown its ranks from 11 to 125 US mayors. Building off of that momentum, Counties for a Guaranteed Income was launched this past February, led by co-chairs Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, who is...
UBI: Short-Term Results from a Long-Term Experiment in Kenya
Abstract: "What would be the consequences of a long-term commitment to provide everyone enough money to meet their basic needs? We examine this hotly debated issue in the context of a unique eld experiment in rural Kenya. Communities receiving UBI experienced...
Early research findings of Irish Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme
Ireland's Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, has today welcomed the publication of the first reports compiled from data collected as part of the Basic Income for the Arts (BIA) pilot scheme. Read more here. The first...
New report: Guaranteed Income Works for Families with Children
"Imagine a world where not a single child has to grow up in poverty. This vision may not be as far off as one might imagine. A new study by Abt Associates shows how guaranteed income pilots improve children's wellbeing and strengthened families. The paper, titled “My...
Australian Basic Income Lab Fellows Workshop
The Australian Basic Income Lab is delighted to invite you to the inaugural Australian Basic Income Lab Fellows Workshop. A fantastic line-up of Fellows have offered their time and expertise to present and moderate these panels. Your participation in this Workshop...
Center for Guaranteed Income Research releases report on Ulster County Pilot
The University of Pennsylvania's Center for Guaranteed Income Research has released its final report on the first county to experiment with GI during the pandemic. This report is also the first in a series entitled, “The American Guaranteed Income...
From Poverty to Hedge Fund Manager to Basic Income Advocate
Darryl Finkton, Jr. is a hedge fund manager turned community organizer. Raised in a poor black family in Indianapolis, Indiana, Darryl went on to graduate from Harvard College and Oxford University, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. In his new book End Poverty....
South Africa’s RightfulShare wins recognition as an innovator
RighfulShare: An Income Movement is the first unconditional basic income transfer with GoodDollar in South Africa. The project is growing in strength, pioneering fairer income access bringing both resources and web3 solutions to the small town of Groblershoop in the...
Launch of Tijs Laenen’s book “The Popularity of Basic Income”
The official launch of Tijs Laenen's latest book The Popularity of Basic Income: Evidence from the Polls was held on November 16. During the event, he presented the book, followed by a critical discussion by Prof. Philippe Van Parijs (UCLouvain, Belgium), co-founder...