Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, “Employment or Income Guarantees: Which Would Do the Better Job?”

Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, “Employment or Income Guarantees: Which Would Do the Better Job?”

Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, Professor Emerita of Social Work at Adelphi University, evaluates the relative merits of income guarantees and job guarantees in a recent article for the national US labor journal New Labor Forum (published by the Murphy Institute and the City University of New York).

The paper ends inconclusively (and with a Philippe van Parijs quote):

There are important drawbacks to both approaches. The UBI is expensive, inefficient and, in the United States, counter-culture. By contrast, the JG suffers from public denial of the magnitude of unemployment, its dependence on government expansion, and the enmity of powerful interest groups. Yet the serious problems that both strategies address impel us to continue to discuss, debate, advocate, agitate, modify, and perhaps find alternatives. As Van Parijs writes, “. . . seismic events do occur, and it is important to prepare intellectually for when a political opportunity suddenly arises.”

Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, “Employment or Income Guarantees: Which Would Do the Better Job?” New Labor Forum 2016, Vol 25(3): 92-100


Photo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Brian Dys Sahagun

VIDEO: Basic Income Community Conversation in Calgary

VIDEO: Basic Income Community Conversation in Calgary

On July 28, 2016, Calgary Social Workers for Social Justice, PovertyTalks, and Vibrant Communities Calgary co-sponsored a free community event on basic income, featuring Canadian Senator Art Eggleton.

Senator Eggleton is a committed supporter of a basic income guarantee, who has pressed the federal government to pursue it.

This short video, including short interviewers with community participants, was filmed at the event:

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Photo: Downtown Calgary CC BY 2.0 Thank you for visiting my page

Will basic income cause inflation?

I recently led a roundtable discussion on basic income at National Chengchi University (NCCU), which was attended by students from various countries. The participants vigorously debated whether a basic income would result in inflation, with some parties worrying that the greater spending power will push up the demand for goods and, in turn, prices. The increased prices could possibly erode much of the spending power from a basic income.

To confirm whether these worries were justified, I reached out to three experts on basic income (BI), co-editors of the Ethics and Economics of a Basic Income Guarantee, to see what the research says about basic income and inflation.

It turns out: it depends.

Overall, the scholars agreed that there could be some areas where prices are pushed up, but that it would depend on how the BI is implemented.

Knowledge about the topic is limited since none of the BI research has looked at inflation, nor have the experiments been long enough to get a true idea of the BI’s effect on prices.

Dr. Steven Pressmen, former professor of Economics and Finance at Monmouth University, said this means economists “therefore must fall back on theory to answer the question about the inflationary consequences of a BIG (basic income guarantee).”

Dr. Michael Lewis, associate professor at Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, added that “multiple variables affect inflation”: if government spending is reduced in some area after a basic income is introduced, there would be a simultaneous push-and-pull effect on inflation.

Pressman also said that the outcome of a basic income on inflation will be based on “the overall condition of the economy and how a BIG is financed.”

According to Pressman, there are several potential scenarios that could play out.

If the economy is near full employment, then a BI would likely “push up prices rather than employment.” Also, since much of the gains in income from a BI would go to people in poverty and “people with low income tend to spend any extra income that they get,” then total spending will increase along with inflation.

On the supply side, Pressman said there are two important factors: taxation and labor.

If a basic income is financed by sales tax or value added tax (VAT), then this will increase prices and inflation. Second, if BI gives employees more leverage to increase wages, firms may “try to pass along these costs to consumers in the form of higher prices,” Pressman said.

On the other hand, Pressman said that financing a BI is paid for by reducing other government spending means “there should be little or no inflationary impact of a BIG.”

Dr. Karl Widerquist, co-chair of BIEN and associate professor at Georgetown University SFS-Qatar, said that Denmark’s economy demonstrates that spending on welfare such as basic income should not lead to inflation “taking away all those workers’ gains.”

“There is nothing special about Basic Income spending. It is not any more likely to cause inflation than any other spending,” Widerquist said. “It is not any more difficult to use taxes and borrowing to counteract inflationary pressure caused by Basic Income spending than it is to counteract inflationary pressure caused by military spending or any other kind of spending.”

Regardless, some inflation may not be such a bad thing for the economy, according to Pressman. He pointed to the Japanese deflationary spiral in the 1990s as to why some inflation may help an economy.

For policymakers considering a basic income, it may be useful to think about adjusting the BI benefit depending on economic conditions.

“It also may (make) sense to think about a variable BIG — one that increases as unemployment rises and falls as the economy gets closer and closer to full employment. This too will reduce the inflationary impact of any BIG program,” Pressman said.

Although more research needs to be done, it appears a basic income is unlikely to contribute to inflation in a substantial way because there are so many factors that influence prices.

“Policy matters, and sensible fiscal and monetary policies can ensure that more egalitarian social policies are consistent with low inflation,” Widerquist said.

US: Call for Participation in North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress

US: Call for Participation in North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress

The United States Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) Network has released its Call for Participation in the 2017 North American Basic Income Guarantee (NABIG) Congress, which will be held at Hunter College in New York City from June 16-18.


Sixteenth Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress,
Call for Participation

The North American Basic Income Congress will be held at:
The Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
2180 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10035
June 16-18, 2017,
With a special event June 15 at Roosevelt House, 47-49 East 65th St.

Papers, panel discussions, roundtables, strategy sessions, and events of other kinds related to basic income are encouraged. Activists in particular are encouraged to propose events in and around the congress, in the evenings for example. Send your proposal, no more than 500 words, to Kate McFarland (mcfarland [dot] 309 [at] osu [dot] edu) by February 1, 2017.


This is the official general Call for Participation of the congress. CFPs for specific panels and other sessions are likely to be released at later dates. For example, a CFP for a panel on philosophy and basic income has been released, and can be viewed at PhilEvents and the American Philosophical Association. Other topic-specific are currently being planned, and prospective participants are invited and encouraged to propose their own.
Updates and announcements concerning the event will be posted on the Facebook pages of USBIG and CFP point-person Kate McFarland as they become available.

Photo CC BY-NC 2.0 Michael Tapp
NORTH AMERICA: 2017 NABIG Congress announced for NYC, June 15-18

NORTH AMERICA: 2017 NABIG Congress announced for NYC, June 15-18

The 2017 North American Basic Income Guarantee (NABIG) Congress, co-organized by the US Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) Network and the Basic Income Canada Network, will convene at Hunter College in New York City, New York, USA on June 15-18.

The opening day of the congress (to be held at Roosevelt House) will include a panel open to the general public, followed by a reception. The remainder of the conference will take place at the Silberman School of Social Work and be open only to registered attendees.

Registration information, keynote speakers, and a call for proposals will be available soon on the USBIG website (

Photo: Hunter College Station, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 maxxum