A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.
The Royal Society of Arts Explains: [2 minutes]

Recent News, Opinion, and Research
Seattle Pilot doubles employment rates
Photo by Darpan on Unsplash Note: Like many pilot programs, this one does not meet the BIEN definition of basic income because it is not universal for residents in its geographic region. "A Seattle-area guaranteed basic income pilot gave low-income residents $500 a...
FRIBIS Lecture Series – Can a Basic Income Grant Reduce Violence?
"Event Title: FRIBIS Lecture Series – Can a Basic Income Grant Reduce Violence? Evidence from Namibia, Kenya, and Uganda Date & Time: April 23, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Format: Online Event Organizers: FRIBIS in cooperation with the BIP & WEF_FABI teams Zoom...
Basic income as a necessary component of a socio-ecological transformation
"The dominant economic model is destabilizing societies. And the planet. It is time for change It is time for a basic income, too. A memorandum signed worldwide by 39 renowned scientists and activists for basic income and 35 basic income organisations and networks...
Brookings Institution study on Hollywood writers strike re AI
Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash "In some ways, the writers’ success reflects something of a best-case scenario. They were organized in a highly effective union, in a unionized industry, in a union town. They leveraged one of their greatest skills—their...
Guaranteed Income Is Sweeping the Nation. Will It Last?
"Since the pandemic, over 200 guaranteed-income experiments launched across the United States. The Mellon Foundation backed one of them, providing $115 million to support 2,400 New York artists." To read the full article click here.
Flint, Michagan, Pilot for Mothers
Rx Kids launched their pilot this January 2024 where every person who gives birth in Flint, MI will receive a basic income during late stage pregnancy, $1,500 (lump-sum), and the first year of their baby's life, $500 each month. What’s so exciting about...
Not That Basic (The Documentary) – Short teaser
A Croudfunding campaign to complete the film will be launched May 1. To view the teaser, click here.
Guy Standing talk in China: Rentier Capitalism, the Precariat and Basic Income
Photo: Ye Jiabin and Guy Standing Throughout history, capitalism has evolved, changing character and changing the class structure defining each era. The changes in the 20th century can be understood by reference to what Karl Polanyi called the Great Transformation.[i]...
British farmers call for a “UBI” for farmers
Note: What the farmers are asking for does not meet the BIEN definition of a Basic Income since it is restricted to farmers. " Farmers are calling for the government to grant them a universal basic income, saying the post-Brexit agriculture subsidy scheme has left...
CLARISSA Social Protection Intervention: preliminary findings
"This note documents preliminary findings from the trial of an innovative social policy intervention for tackling poverty, improving well-being, and addressing the causes of the worst forms of child labour (WFCL). The Child Labour: Action-Research-Innovation in South...
New Report on Cambridge MA Guaranteed Income Pilot
"In September 2021, Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and the Cambridge Community Foundation launched the Cambridge Recurring Income for Success & Empowerment (RISE) guaranteed income (GI) pilot. Designed to address growing economic disparities and racial inequities,...
22nd Annual Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) Conference July 22-23, 2024
"The Basic Income Guarantee Conference (BIG!) is the only annual conference in the U.S. focused on building and supporting the thriving basic income movement as we drive towards national policy. The BIG Conference is a BIG TENT event that includes pilot participants,...