BIEN | Opinion
Opinion Posts
Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.
Brazil: COVID-19, UBI, and ultraliberalism
The idea of a UBI was galvanized when governments promptly decided to extend the amount, coverage, and length of different sorts of monetary transfers to confront the gravity of the multiple crises created by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Namibia – UBI success and institutional failure
1. Namibia - country background A South West African state with a troublesome colonial history, Namibia has a population of around 2,5 million people and is one of the least populated countries in Africa due to its extremely dry climate. The country is rich in natural...
Belgium’s chance for a welfare system revision
Like almost every European country, Belgium is facing declining trends of confirmed coronavirus cases. Its government is now looking for a balance between maintaining physical and mental health and restarting the economy. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Sophie Wilmes...
Review of Charles Murray’s “In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State,” from 2009
This Review was originally published in the Review of Political Economy, December 6, 2009. It's reproduced here as originally published. In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State, by Charles Murray, Washington, DC, AEI Press, 2006, 230 pp., $20.00 hardcover...
Basic Income: Remittances from Nowhere
Now is the time to push for a World Basic Income paid to every human on the planet.
Finland’s basic income never failed, our ‘jobs’ did
Basic income skeptics should consider which system failed when confronted with the current avalanche of suicide, descent into addiction, and hungry mouth these twin crises have created.
The Prehistory of Private Property: A video introduction to the new book by Karl Widerquist and Grant McCall
This short video introduces the new book, The Prehistory of Private Property, by Grant McCall and me. The book examines the origin and development of the private property rights system and the experiences of peoples who have lived in other systems to debunk three...
In Solidarity with Black and Brown Americans: How UBI Offers a Path Forward
With more climate and pandemic crises on the horizon, how long will it take elites to realize that this economic system threatens the rise of violent populism?
Recent news from Russia
Alexander Solovev, Social movement “Basic income Russia Tomorrow”, has written several articles about what is happening in ex-USSR countries now on what measures governments are taking to protect the citizens of their countries during the coronavirus pandemic. These...
Launch of the BIEN Conversations – why critical debate is more important than ever
In April BIEN’s Executive Committee agreed plans to respond to the growing public attention to basic income during the Covid crisis.
A corona is the halo of light during a solar eclipse
The coronavirus crisis can ensure a more balanced economy. Care and solidarity must support our economy and society.
Cash-for-Corona in Spain
Cash-for-corona: why the current policy proposal being discussed in Spain has nothing to do with a universal basic income This article was updated on the 19th April 2020 Since the outbreak of coronavirus and the subsequent social and economic lockdown, there have been...