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News on the global Basic Income debate

Stockton Economic Empowerment Project in the News

Stockton Economic Empowerment Project in the News

The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) has been the subject of a consideration amount of attention from American and international media lately, with news outlets such as Reuters, the Washington Post and the New York Times publishing articles on the...

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The Horizon NGO launches the United Basic Income Platform

The Horizon NGO launches the United Basic Income Platform

Horizon Factory is a "platform through which organizations can set up an independent basic income project, supporting their own community while contributing to Horizon's global basic income service". Aiming high at a world-wide basic income, naming this as the United...

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Italy: There is no basic income being proposed in Italy

Italy: There is no basic income being proposed in Italy

Since the new government led by Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) and Lega (the Italian extreme right-wing party) was formed, the proposal of a so-called “citizen income” in Italy has had much echo. First proposals go back to 2013, having been reported at the time. This...

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Possible New Minimum Income Experiement in Manitoba

Possible New Minimum Income Experiement in Manitoba

Manitoba, the Canadian province which was the location of one of the most well-known basic income experiments of the last century, may be re-examining the possibility of instituting a basic income guarantee (BIG) following a recommendation from the Winnipeg Chamber of...

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SPAIN: Documentary about Basic Income opens in Madrid

SPAIN: Documentary about Basic Income opens in Madrid

A new documentary about Basic Income, RBUI, nuestro derecho a vivir, in english UBI, our right to live, had its debut in Madrid, on May 12th in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center “Pozo del Tío Raimundo” during the Foro Humanista Europeo 2018. The documentary was...

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CANADA: NABIG Congress 2018 in Hamilton, Ontario

CANADA: NABIG Congress 2018 in Hamilton, Ontario

The 2018 NABIG (North American Basic Income Guarantee) Congress happened in Hamilton, Ontario, from May 24th to May 27th at McMaster University. There were around 120 people presenting and attendance between 270-280 people. The conference was notably diverse, with...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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