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News on the global Basic Income debate

UBI project in Democratic Republic of Congo expanded

UBI project in Democratic Republic of Congo expanded

Eight, a NGO that provides Unconditional monthly cash transfers to people in extreme poverty for two years,  in collaboration with IPIS, the Belgian Development Cooperation, Fairphone, Umicore and Proximus, announces the expansion of its basic income pilot...

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Two Podcasts on UBI from

Two Podcasts on UBI from

The first episode of the year in the Social Protection Podcast brings a radical proposal for extending social protections: the Universal Basic Income, or UBI. Fundamentally, a universal basic income is a benefit provided in cash without conditions to everyone. It is a...

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Basic income pilot scheme for care leavers in Wales

Basic income pilot scheme for care leavers in Wales

The Guardian on 15 February 2022 has an article "Basic income pilot scheme for care leavers to be trialled in Wales." "All young people leaving care in Wales at the age of 18 are to be offered the chance to take part in a basic income pilot scheme under which...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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