BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

GUARANTEED INCOME: A Primer for Funders

GUARANTEED INCOME: A Primer for Funders

This primer was developed by the Asset Funders Network (AFN) to educate foundations, individual donors, and other funders about the ways in which guaranteed income and related cash-based policies not only strengthen low and moderate income communities and communities...

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FRIBIS Annual Conference 2022

FRIBIS Annual Conference 2022

Basic income has become the subject of a lively and controversial debate in politics, civil society and academia. By questioning the fundamental assumptions of our social interaction, it challenges us to redefine the way we want to live together. This year’s FRIBIS’...

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Article on Potential of Basic Income in the Arab World

Article on Potential of Basic Income in the Arab World

Diana Bashur, BIEN Secretary, is currently at the University of Vienna researching Basic Income as a tool for peace-building with a focus on the Middle East and a particular interest in its potential for social cohesion. She recently published an article, What would a...

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Building Community Resiliency in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Building Community Resiliency in Santa Fe, New Mexico

The sun isn’t the only thing shining this year in Santa Fe, New Mexico as for the first time in history, single parents who are enrolled in Santa Fe Community College receive basic income support funded through the Mayor’s for Guaranteed Income (MGI). The City of...

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Update on Denver Basic Income Pilot

Update on Denver Basic Income Pilot

In Denver Colorado, a cash distribution program targeting those who experience homelessness is closing in on fully launching. The Denver Basic Income Project (DBIP) seeks to give a basic income to individuals to demonstrate that recipients of direct cash payments are...

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Guaranteed Income Pilot for Released Felons

Guaranteed Income Pilot for Released Felons

In January 2022, 57 people began receiving unconditional direct deposit payments and on March 31st, 58 more people began receiving payments. The guaranteed income project in Gainesville, Florida, Just Income GNV, provides these payments to those who have been recently...

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New poem on Basic Income

New poem on Basic Income

Harula Ladd has researched and written a poem titled "Turn on the Tap" about UBI in the UK for a project that aims to combine facts and science with creativity and the arts to share information and inspiration about innovative ideas that could bring hope to the...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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