BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Will UBI Become Mainstream? – Al Jazeera Video

Will UBI Become Mainstream? – Al Jazeera Video

"Interest in universal basic income (UBI) programmes around the world is continuing to rise, with governments and private donor groups examining the social and economic effects of unconditional cash payments to citizens. Ireland recently joined the ranks of countries...

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Mark Wadsworth, former BIEN Treasurer, has passed away

Mark Wadsworth, former BIEN Treasurer, has passed away

Gerard Mark Wadsworth – always known as Mark – was a passionate advocate for Basic Income. He was a tax accountant, and brought to the Basic Income debate a comprehensive knowledge of the UK’s tax system. For over twenty years Mark was a passionate advocate for Basic...

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Discussion on Sri Lankan Economic Crisis and UBI

Discussion on Sri Lankan Economic Crisis and UBI

An almost two hour discussion of the Sri Lankan economic crisis in the broader context of today's flawed development model moderated by Sonali Wanigabaduge concludes with former World Bank senior director for Development Economics, the chief economist of the Middle...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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