BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Catalans’ public opinion on Universal Basic Income

Catalans’ public opinion on Universal Basic Income

Aida Martinez Tinaut Office of the Pilot Project to Implement the UBI in Catalonia A survey was conducted in Catalonia between September and November 2022 with a total N of 3,098 which showed, among many other interesting findings, that the general catalan...

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Basic Income: Sufficient Evidence, Now Politics

Basic Income: Sufficient Evidence, Now Politics

In 1942, as people started to think about remaking society after the War, William Beveridge wrote a report for the British government that was to shape the welfare state in Europe. He wrote, ‘It is a time for revolutions, not for patching.’ What he meant was that it...

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The Impact of Basic Income Initiatives on Mental Health

The Impact of Basic Income Initiatives on Mental Health

By Beau Peters, Guest Contributor Income and mental health are integrally tied. Severe mental health disorders are 4.5 times more prevalent among children who grew up in poverty and folks who face housing insecurity are twice as likely to have a “common mental health...

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Niels I. Meyer (1930-2023) – Obituary

Niels I. Meyer (1930-2023) – Obituary

Niels I. Meyer, a pioneer in the Danish Basic Income movement and co-founder of BIEN, has passed away. A prolific writer as well as a frequent participant in public debates, Niels I. Meyer was in his professional life a professor in physics with important...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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