David Jeffery, “Review: Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research”

Jeffery reviews (and has submitted this review to Political Studies Review) Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research by Widerquist, Anguera, Vanderborght, and de Wispelaere, which consolidates significant basic income research into 74 chapters split into the categories of freedom, justice, reciprocity and exploitation, feminism, economics, post-productivism, implementation, institutions, and politics. The book also includes the major critiques of basic income, mostly in feminism and economics, but Jeffery argues that as a whole the research has been too philosophical and not empirical enough.

David Jeffery, “Review: Basic Income: An Anthology of Contemporary Research”, What’s David Thinking?, 24 February 2015.



Drover, Moscovitch, and Mulvale, “Promoting Equity for a Stronger Canada: The Future of Canadian Social Policy”

Drover, Moscovitch, and Mulvale, “Promoting Equity for a Stronger Canada: The Future of Canadian Social Policy”

Drover, Moscovitch, and Mulvale write on behalf of the Canadian Association of Social Workers to share their concerns about the direction of Canadian social policy. They fear that it has become too decentralized, potentially harming health care, social inclusion, and social protection. Their policy recommendations to promote pan-Canadian equity are a national basic income scheme, continued funding of the Canada Social Transfer, and to continue to fund the health system, among other policy recommendations.

This may be the first time a national professional organization in Canada has advocated a basic income, and Jim Mulvale is Vice-Chair of the Basic Income Canada Network.

Glenn Drover, Allan Moscovitch, and Jim Mulvale, “Promoting Equity for a Stronger Canada: The Future of Canadian Social Policy”, Canadian Association of Social Workers, 22 May 2014.


Donald Hirsch, “Could a ‘Citizen’s Income’ Work?”

This article is very important in the discussion about a citizen’s income (basic income) in the UK. Hirsch is writing from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a prestigious social policy organization in the UK, and his analysis of the citizen’s income debate revolves around a few main issues: it would require increased taxes of up to fifty percent, it does not necessarily eliminate all means-tests since Housing Benefit would likely still exist, and the “something for nothing” idea is still politically unpopular throughout the UK. That said, Hirsch highlights the attractiveness of a citizen’s income as well as listing its faults.

Donald Hirsch, “Could a ‘Citizen’s Income’ Work?”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, March 2015.


Pete Higgins, “Why Universal Basic Income is a Better Alternative to the Welfare State.”

[Toru Yamamori]

Pete Higgins is an independent candidate for Stoke on Trent South, a UK parliament constituency where currently represented a Labour MP. He initiated an online petition for a basic income as well. In his post, he displays reasons for BIG such as a failure of the current welfare state, etc, which can be found elsewhere in BI literature. What is unique in his proposal is that he argues that only maximum two children in the same family could get ‘Child UBI.’ According to him this restriction should be made in order to “encourage people to make responsible financial decisions during family planning and help control unsustainable population growth.”

Pete Higgins, “Why Universal Basic Income is a Better Alternative to the Welfare State.” Pete Higgins – independent candidate for Stoke on Trent South, November 5th, 2014.

From https://higginsindependent.com/2014/11/05/why-universal-basic-income-is-a-better-alternative-to-the-welfare-state/

Pete Higgins



Angela Cummine, “A citizen’s income and wealth fund for the UK: Lessons from Alaska”

from https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/8951537.Alternative_vote__would_deliver_dif/

from https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/8951537.Alternative_vote__would_deliver_dif/

Angela Cummine charts the growth and impact of Alaska’s Permanent Fund and dividend – a unique combination of publicly owned wealth fund and basic citizen’s income – as these ideas continue to intrude on British political debates about equality, poverty, wealth and investment.

IPPR explains itself as ‘the UK’s leading progressive thinktank’.

Angela Cummine, “A Citizen’s income and wealth fund for the UK: Lessons from Alaska”, Institute for Public Policy Research, 4 February 2015.