Baldur Friggjar Odinsson, "A nation breaks the shackles of a fiat currency"

[Craig Axford]

Using the Bitcoin protocol as a model, citizens of Iceland are being offered Aurocoin as an alternative to the Krona.  Citing a steady decline in the Krona’s value and the collapse of 2008 as the reasoning behind this alternative, each Icelander became entitled to access their share of the new “cryptocurrency” in March of 2014.

Baldur Friggjar Odinsson, A nation breaks the shackles of a fiat currency, Auroracoin, March, 25, 2014

Aurocoin is new “cryptocurrency” being offered to each Icelander

Christopher Blattman, “Let Them Eat Cash”

[Josh Martin]

In this opinion piece in the New York Times, Associate Professor of Political Science Christopher Blattman of Columbia University discusses the viability of directly giving cash with no conditions to homeless people.  While the subject of handouts to the poor often raises concerns about funding substance abuse, Blattman highlights multiple studies that found no correlation between unconditional cash transfers like the basic income and expenses that would be categorized as wasteful.  To Blattman, unconditional cash transfers must continued to be used.

Christopher Blattman, “Let Them Eat Cash.” The New York Times, 29 June 2014.

Image by Amanda Lanzone

Image by Amanda Lanzone