Oliver Tonkin, "US should enact minimum income"
Oliver Tonkin, “US should enact minimum income”, Daily Nebraskan, 2014 September 26
Oliver Tonkin, “US should enact minimum income”, Daily Nebraskan, 2014 September 26
Brian Wang, “Politically enable the birth of a cash cow to fund Universal Basic Income”, Next Big Future, 8th October 2014
The author discusses the difficulties of mothers, especially single mothers, in being able to care for their families, and proposes a Living Income. The Living Income Guaranteed would be a partial Basic Income in that it is means-tested and is intended to be provided to all below a certain level of income.
Kristina Salas, “Mothers and a Living Income – Giving as We have Received”, Quality Life Guaranteed, 2014 September 25
In this article, David Jenkins assesses the possible impacts of a basic income upon inflation. He concludes that ‘[t]here is reason to believe then that UBI will not produce the kinds of inflationary effects for which it stands accused.’
The full article is available here:
David Jenkins, “A Perspective on Inflation”, Basic Income UK: Towards an emancipatory welfare, 8th October 2014
In this article, Scott Santens describes our current welfare system across the entire socioeconomic spectrum, and stresses the need for an improved safety net that exists as a basic income floor everyone can count on and no one can fall beneath.
Scott Santens, “Breaking Down Without a Spare – America’s lopsided welfare system of counterproductive public assistance“, Medium, 13 October 2014.
Edurne Speirs, “A Universal Basic Income: the real alternative for the technological age”, The News Hub, 2014 September 24