by Toby | Dec 1, 2014 | Research

Elections and Economic Insecurity
The author discusses the effect of economic insecurity on elections and advocates for basic income, among other measures.
Amitai Etzioni, “It’s Economic Insecurity, Stupid”, Huffington Post, 2014 November 18
by Andre Coelho | Nov 30, 2014 | Research

From RBB Inforadio
A business man in Berlin, Michael Bohmeyer, starts on Wednesday paying a monthly unconditional payment of 1000 € to each of four people, raffled from a group of registrations. The money has been collected from a crowdfunding process and will be paid individually, during one year.
Annette Miersch, “Ein Jahr lang Grundeinkommen [An year of Basic Income]“, Inforadio RBB, October 1 2014
by Toby | Nov 29, 2014 | Research
The article discusses the suffering and deaths of those who were inappropriately denied various means-tested social safety net benefits and posits that a universal basic income will reduce and alleviate such tragedies.
Scott Santens, “‘Fit for Work and Fit to Die’: A Memorial for the Means-Tested“, 2014 November 17
by Toby | Nov 28, 2014 | Research

The case for a Guaranteed Income
Chuck Tesla, “Basic income works, a quick case study approach to debunking some basic income myths”, Tumotech, 2014 October 27
by Toby | Nov 26, 2014 | Research
Rutger Bregman, “Why we should give free money to everyone”, The Correspondent, 2013 December 24
by Toby | Nov 25, 2014 | Research

Alleviating poverty
The author discusses the success of unconditional cash transfer programs in reducing poverty and providing a number of benefits. Cash transfer programs are a form of basic income limited to those with low income.
Leila Gharagozloo-Pakkala, “Social protection may be the key to uplifting Africa’s poor”, Mail & Guardian, 2014 November 17