by Andre Coelho | Dec 6, 2014 | Research

Volendam. © ANP
Dutch minister Asscher has shown concerns about further automatization and the necessity to apply new instruments to social policy. A possibility is presented through the unconditional basic income, applied to Dutch society, discussing advantages and its financing.
Tike van der Eijk and Paula Teutscher, “Het is tijd voor een basisinkomen voor iedereen [It’s time for a Basic Income for everyone]“, de Volkskrant, October 2 2014
by Andre Coelho | Dec 5, 2014 | Research

Handshake - Credited to ELUMN8
In Germany, the unconditional basic income (UBI) idea has been around for years, through political activists. However, its application seems utopian, thundered from critics all around the political spectrum. The author enumerates arguments against the UBI, while defending its merits.
Felix Werdermann, “Utopie trifft Politik [Utopia meets Politics]“, der Freitag, September 24 2014
by Toby | Dec 4, 2014 | Research

Child benefits are implemented in many countries
The author proposes a universal child benefit, a limited form of basic income specifically for families with children.
Clio Chang, “The Kids Need Cash”, U.S. News & World Report, 2014 November 5
by Toby | Dec 4, 2014 | Research

Vivian Belik, “The Case for Basic Income”, Upstream, 2017 November 7
by Toby | Dec 2, 2014 | Research

UBI - Forward
Keith Rankin, “Universal Basic Income and Labour Policy”, The Daily Blog, 2014 November 21