Malcolm Henry, “How To Fund A Universal Basic Income (Without Scaring The Horses)”

Money cash money change coins money

How about a negative interest rate to finance a BIG?

[Craig Axford]

Most proposals for funding a basic income guarantee rely upon some kind of traditional taxation mechanism.  In this post the idea of a negative interest rate that is deposited back into a pool to finance BIG and encourage money’s circulation through the economy is offered as another possible means.

Malcolm Henry, “How To Fund A Universal Basic Income (Without Scaring The Horses)”, Basic Income UK, February 11, 2014

Oliver Burkeman, “This column will change your life: obvious answers”

This column will change your life: obvious answers

Illustration: Geoff Grandfield for the Guardian

[Craig Axford]

Is the reason solutions like a basic income guarantee are so often overlooked or ignored because they are just too obvious?  This author thinks perhaps we tend to find the less obvious and more complex “solutions” more alluring, the growing list of studies supporting ideas like BIG not withstanding.

Oliver Burkeman, “This column will change your life: obvious answers”, The Guardian, February 8, 2014