CASASSAS, David (2010), ‘Renta básica, acceso al trabajo y emancipación social: reflexiones para un programa de izquierdas’

CASASSAS, David (2010), ‘Renta básica, acceso al trabajo y emancipación social: reflexiones para un programa de izquierdas’, SinPermiso, 7, 2010, pp. 101-113, online at:

In this paper, David Casassas (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) focuses on basic income from the perspective of a “left-oriented” platform. In particular, he stresses the potential transformative effect of basic income on the labour market.

BIRNBAUM, Simon (2010), 'Två föreställningar om jämlikhet: Om rättvisa, självrespekt och välfärdspolitik'

BIRNBAUM, Simon (2010), ‘Två föreställningar om jämlikhet: Om rättvisa, självrespekt och välfärdspolitik’ [”Two conceptions of equality: On justice, self-respect and welfare policy”], Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning (Norwegian Journal of Welfare Research), 13 (2) 2010, 70-82.

A luck egalitarian view holds that inequalities are objectionable only if they are traceable to luck, i.e. circumstances beyond individual control. This article examines recent attempts to develop an alternative account of egalitarian justice that focuses, instead, on the conditions necessary for people to interact as social equals. Simon Birnbaum (Stockholm University) develops a contribution to this relational conception of justice by exploring the relationship between economic inequality, non-subservience and the bases of self-respect. A pluralistic conception is defended according to which such relational concerns should complement rather than replace luck egalitarian commitments. The author also discusses the political implications of this view with regard to income maintenance schemes and conflicts that may arise between the enforcement of responsiblity and the protection of self-respect.

Author’s email address:

ARNSPERGER, Christian (2010), ‘Revenu d’existence et promotion de la sociodiversité’

ARNSPERGER, Christian (2010), ‘Revenu d’existence et promotion de la sociodiversité’, Mouvements, 64, octobre-décembre 2010, pp.100-106, online at:

According to Christian Arnsperger (Hoover Chair, Louvain University), an unconditional basic income should be seen as a form of subsidy for “social experimentors”. With such an income guarantee, individuals or groups could experiment “alternative ways of life”, outside the mainstream capitalist system.

NAMIBIA: National Union of Namibian Workers Rejoins BIG Coalition

The National Union for Namibian Workers (NUNW) had announced in early July that it would withdraw from the Namibian Basic Income Grant Coalition (see NewsFlash 62). USBIG now reports that the 600 delegates at the annual congress of NUNW elected a new Executive Committee and voted to rejoin the BIG Coalition. With the reversal of the NUNW’s decision, the entire incident has become a BIG victory (so to speak) for basic income supporters. Instead of marginalizing the issue, the (former) union leadership’s decision demonstrated how broad the support for basic income is in Namibia and how out of touch that group of leaders was. Basic income was not the only issue in the decision to change leadership, but it was an important one. According to Herbert Jauch of the Windhoek Observer, “The congress decision on the BIG will not only redirect the NUNW leadership but will also increase the pressure on the Namibian government to seriously consider the introduction of a national BIG as a tool to fight poverty.”

For more information about the NUNW Congress, a see, “The NUNW Congress: A turn-around?” by Herbert Jauch, published in the Windhoek Observer, September 10-16, 2010. A PDF of this article is online at:

LO VUOLO, Rubén, RAVENTÓS, Daniel & YANES, Pablo (2010), ‘The War Against Social and Working Rights: Basic Income in Times of Economic Crisis’

LO VUOLO, Rubén, RAVENTÓS, Daniel & YANES, Pablo (2010), ‘The War Against Social and Working Rights: Basic Income in Times of Economic Crisis’, Counterpunch, November 5-7 2010, online at

A vigorous plea in favour of basic income in times of economic crisis, published by the left-radical newsletter (US-based) Counterpunch. Also available in Spanish at: